|75| The Supreme Games: Day 3 - Part 1

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Emerald's P.O.V. (D4)

I awake with a throbbing pain in my upper thigh, a pounding dizziness in my head, and a blurriness engulfing my vision. Groaning, I realize that beneath my aching body is an unfamiliar cold surface that looks and feels far different from the forest floor. After allowing my senses a few seconds to adjust to this new environment, I'm hit with the overwhelming scent of rotting moss and rubble.

Confused, I take a hard look at the ground. Between the cracked taupe colored stone and the lack of any dirt or greenery, I arrive to only one conclusion.

The game makers knocked us unconscious and moved us to another location for a feast.

I attempt to push myself up using whatever strength I have left. My arms violently tremble as I apply nearly all of my weight on my hands and wrists to keep me upright.

Not to mention, my entire leg is downright useless. It's numb, the fire burned straight through the nerves and rendered it paralyzed. Kristoffer wasn't able to find any healing plants and I haven't received any medicine from sponsors.

They must think it's burned past the point of recovery—that I'm not worth saving.

Aside from my complete inability to walk, I realize something even more dire.

Kristoffer isn't with me.

Oh God. My heart begins thumping sporadically in my chest. I'm without a doubt completely and utterly screwed.

"Tributes!" A voice booms from overhead. "Good morning and congratulations on making it to day three of the Supreme Games! You all had an extremely long day yesterday, as many of you were already fast asleep before the fallen tributes were showed. So, I will be giving you a quick run down as to what you can expect for today."

My heart rate has now tripled in speed. What monstrosity will we have to face this time?

"You are all on the inside of the labyrinth that you may or may not have already come across by now. This was meant to be one of the attractions from the very beginning. Now, we the game makers will not allow you to exit this labyrinth until two of you perish. You are all currently scattered around the inside perimeter of the labyrinth. In front of you is a large shifting maze. That's right—the walls are constantly shifting, opening and closing. If you manage to navigate your way through and make it to the center, you will be rewarded with some supplies."

A shifting maze? Wait, does that mean—

"However, these maze walls will shift randomly. If you are not careful, you may end up getting crushed in between closing walls, so be vigilant! Avoid hanging around one area for too long, that way you avoid getting crushed to death.

yeah, that.

"As you see, these walls are one hundred feet high and the game makers have made sure that there's no way to climb them. The only way to escape is by making sure two of you are dead. Then and only then will we reveal the exit. Good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favor..."

Within seconds the ground starts rumbling, the massive walls in front of me beginning to tremble as they rotate. My mouth drops open in terrified awe at the sight.

The Supreme Games - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now