|35| Reaping D11

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Bo's P.O.V.

Knowing that my little cousin is dead makes me dread reaping day even more.

Y'all probably know who I'm talking about if I describe her. She's from District 5, barely twelve years old, innocent looking face, and she went into the first games this year.

Yeah. That's my 'lil cousin Katerina.

Watching her death really struck us hard. I don't have a big family, just my parents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. Well, now one cousin.

My aunt and uncle really took her death hard. My aunt went into depression and my uncle never stops working. We took in my other cousin, Kalen, so he wouldn't have to be surrounded by my aunt's depression all day long.

I feel bad for Kalen. He's only four years old. He's completely unaware of Katerina's death and thinks that she went on a long field trip to the Capitol. He didn't watch her die on the screen, he was napping at the time. We tried not to watch the games when he was awake.

It's around 1 o'clock in the morning and I can't get myself to get some sleep. I toss and turn around my bed, but it's useless. After a while of struggling, I stare at the ceiling until I hear a creaking noise to my left.

I jolt in surprise and shift my gaze to the door, only to see Kalen tip-toe in, holding his favorite pillow. I let out the breath I was holding in. I thought there was a robber!

"Kalen, what are you doing in here? It's past your bedtime!" I whisper to him.

"I had a nightmare and I was scared." He shivers and I chuckle.

I ruffle his brown hair. "Okay, buddy, you can sleep in here for tonight."

His eyes instantly light up. "Really?"

I grin. "Sure thing, kiddo." He starts jumping up and down with a huge grin on his face, like a kid earning a lollipop.

"Okay now shh, you'll wake up auntie and uncle." I hush him.

"Oh, sorry." He jumps into my bed and snuggles under the covers.

"Nighty-night Bo-Bo." He yawns and instantly knocks out.

I laugh at the nickname. Pulling up the covers, I do my best to get as much sleep as I can. I take tesserae pretty often so I have a bad feeling about this year's reaping.


Amalia's P.O.V.

I never remembered the reaping to be so...scary.

I mean, when I was younger, I never knew what it was or why the Capitol started it. But now that I'm thirteen and now that it's the fourth quarter quell, it makes things a whole lot more intense.

Watching the first games was really interesting. Most of the people who won look extremely strong. This isn't a typical hunger games. This year is filled with the strongest tributes who make it to the top twelve, and then get thrown into another arena with the other set of the top twelve.

If I get chosen today, I know that I probably have no chance of survival. Only one person comes out alive after all.

I'm at the kitchen table eating breakfast with my family, just waiting for the bell to ring. It's so quiet that you can hear a pin drop. I'm an only child, so it's never been too noisy in my house. I can tell that my parents are thinking about the games too. My mom is munching on her cereal while staring at the wall. My dad looks like he's on another planet.

I get goosebumps for the twentieth time this morning just thinking about the games. I totally forgot that District 13 was participating in this years games. I didn't even know they still existed! It's not really fair, having thirty five tributes in this games and only thirty in the first. That means the chances of getting out alive are slimmed down a bit. The Capitol is so unfair.

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