Chapter 1

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This story doesn't begin with a dramatic scene. No, this story begins with the day she was born: a wanted child, a beloved child.

"I know every child is cute as a baby but yours is just a bit cuter than the others." A tall young man told his friend.

The woman holding the baby chuckled and looked down into those amazing pale green eyes. Her baby looked slightly different than her mother, inheriting the black hair of her father and elongated big eyes that looked more like a snake's than a fox's. Nevertheless, the red haired woman was glad to hold such a cute little baby girl.

"Does he know about your plan?" The young man added with a frown.

The woman shifted in her bed uncomfortably. Lillian Gaunt was her name. It was known around the world of her connection to a certain dangerous man. She's been warned of his quality to impress and manipulate the people around him according to his needs and desires.

"No. Tom's been leaving for long periods of time and always returns in a bad mood. I've been avoiding him for the last few days but he doesn't seem to mind. He's planning something bigger and more dangerous than we imagine." She answered curtly, throwing a quick glance at her daughter.

"You fell into his charms too easily. Dumbledore warned you-"

"Dumbledore is one man. He can't be everywhere at the same time and he was late, anyway. We both know it was his plan all along." She said bitterly, her Scottish accent overflowing every syllable.

"I know. I know. But now it's different. Coming to Hogwarts was your escape and-"He stopped and sighed heavily, grabbing a hand through his messy bundle of red hair. "Hogwarts used to feel like home until he came, you know."

Lillian raised an eyebrow and leaned back, the baby in her arms cooing cutely.

"Have you told your father about this?" He asked, changing the subject.

"I prefer to raise my child far away from both of them. But yes, Morfin knows. He was delighted when I told him that mom died a very long time ago and he was very clear when he told me I'll inherit nothing." Lillian added coldly, rolling her eye at the mere thought. "Like I want anything to do with him in the first place, ha!"

The baby must have felt her mother's annoyance because she frowned. Lillian looked down into those green eyes and smiled, her expression softening immediately.

Vernon Peverell, the other red head in the room, though his was a brighter color and messier, frowned. His blue eyes fell over the baby girl and couldn't help feel a tinge of jealousy. That baby could have been his. But she wasn't; she was Tom's. Everything Vernon Peverell ever wanted was already Tom's. It was irritating, especially since Lillian and Tom were relatives and no pure blooded family could accept this except the Gaunts.

"Are you sure you want me to be your Secret Keeper?" He asked for what felt like a hundredth time already.

"Yes. We talked about this before, haven't we? Who can I trust if not you, Vernon?"

Peverell had a few ideas why he should be trusted with such a big responsibility. Firstly, Tom Riddle Jr was one of the best wizards of his age and you had to be utterly stupid to go against him willingly. But there he was, descendant of the Peverell family, risking his life and sanity for love.

"Dumbledore or someone else from Hogwarts. You've always been one of Minerva's precious pupils. She'd laugh and express joy with her face, something she doesn't do very well usually." He mumbled, making her laugh.

"You know why she likes me. I just hope my magic will be inherited." Lillian whispered, having her baby grasp her finger and bringing it to her mouth.

7 years later and Vernon Peverell was living the life his ancestors only dreamed of. He had a small cottage in Scotland where he was known as the handsome man who could create fireworks with his hands. But Vernon's happiness was pouring out from one reason only: Lillian. She'd come with her daughter and spend weeks at his house, bathing in sun light and silence. Vernon found himself living the illusion of a happy relationship and he quickly became attached to Lillian's daughter, Ophelia.

But that day was special. It was a gloomy day of spring, rain pouring cats and dogs, flooding the outskirts of the village he was living in. But something in the air was making that day feel colder than it was. Vernon was an experimented man and knew when death was knocking on his door.

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