Chapter 33

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As soon as she left McGonagall's office, Ophelia hurried down the corridor towards the stairs. She stopped before taking any step up towards the Gryffindor Tower and felt something watery on her cheeks. There was no need for a mirror or a touch to know she started to cry. The pressure she's been feeling was a burden, the burden called family. Her mother's character became as questionable and mysterious as Tom's and Ophelia was wondering which one she should believe. It was clear that Dumbledore has done nothing but interfere with her life and nudge her towards certain choices, most of them keeping her away from her real family.

As all these thoughts came swirling at her, the tears continued to spill out as if she was a waterfall. It was impossible to face anyone in such a state so she turned right and jumped on the stairs before they moved.

Being conflicted where to go and which parts of the castle to avoid, she ended up roaming around aimlessly. The silence surrounding the castle was not as comforting as she imagined; in contrary, it made her feel lonelier. As opposed to how she begun the year –happy and excited for what was to come- it took a slightly different direction. Thinking about it, Spinnard and Cerberus were former friends of Peverell's and they all had met Tom at one point. Thus, having them at Hogwarts while she was there as well must have meant something.

Ophelia stopped and stared down at her shoes with her arms hanging loosely alongside her legs. It was never about Lillian or her safety, was it? It was about Tom. It's always been about him but why? What has he done? It was so complicated and Dumbledore wasn't making it any easier to understand.

"Are you sure you heard right?"

The sudden voice of an anonymous student shook her out of her thoughts and forced her to hide wherever she could. They were getting closer and Ophelia found one available space that seemed big enough for her to sneak in, right behind an armour.

"I told you, haven't I? It's been zooming around since dinner. It seems Lestrange and Malfoy fought over something or another. The rumour is that their families have been at each other's throats these days." One of the students informed his friend. They were far older than Ophelia, probably sixth years, but it was impossible to see which house they were from.

"Ha, families like theirs never stop being at each other's throats."

"True. But it seems Malfoy has created this group with the rest and they're trying to teach young Slytherins the dark arts."

"What does professor Slughorn say about that?"

"Nothing. If Dumbledore doesn't know then I hardly believe Slughorn does. Besides, he wouldn't care. It's pureblooded families we're talking about. Who would dare go against Lestrange and Malfoy?"

Those were the last words she heard as the two boys got too far for her to hear any more. Who would dare go against pureblooded families, especially Lestrange and Malfoy?

"You're late, which I would let pass if you were the kind to be late for something."

Cerberus was a surprisingly sharp person for how laid back he seemed. He has been her professor for a few months already and truthfully, Ophelia never arrived late.

"I had a wonderful chat with the headmaster," She started, trying to sound normal.

"Right," Cerberus narrowed his eyes at her, suspicious of the way she was standing there, "What was it about?"

"Why don't you try and find out?"

That question wasn't suspicious per say but the way her eyes glinted while she taunted him sent a chill down his spine. The dark haired man grasped his wand and murmered Legilimens! before venturing inside her mind.

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