Chapter 65

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"Who do you think would have done such a horrible thing?" Frank asked the next morning as soon as he sat at the table.

The pass at destroying the entrance to the Gryffindor common room was the subject of the day as soon as the information spread.

"D'you think it was a Slytherin?" He added seeing how nobody seemed to be fully awake to speak about it.

"No. It's too risky, even for them." Alice said, not entirely sure if what she said really applied. "I mean, they have done lots of stuff but never something that would piss off an entire house and the headmaster."

"It does seem a bit too drastic, even for Mulciber. Besides, the only real evil in the castle is busy with studying and whatnot so I doubt it was a Slytherin." Cissney said, having heard many theories already.

"What if it was a professor?" Potter pitched in, his eyes sending vibes across the table to his partner in crime. "I mean when did this happen before? Never. It's strange how it happened now when professor Eynon is teaching here." Potter added, looking at his friend for support.

"I dunno, mate. It sounds more like a student did it rather than an adult. I mean, even so, who would be so foolish to think that he could do it without being seen by other paintings? Or even the Fat Lady herself?" Sirius said, his dark eyes looking quite tired in the light. He did seem more bothered with his personal problems rather than school lately.

"What about you?" Ophelia asked leaning on her elbow.

"I'd never stoop so low, Molley. I have class." He said his eyes suddenly gaining their usual mischievous light.

"What if she did it herself then?" Ophelia asked, placing another theory on the table. "She craves attention every so often with odd little shows. What if this one went wrong and she needs to save her pride by pointing at somebody else?"

"But is she that desperate? I doubt it."

"It doesn't matter since the headmaster has already taken control of the whole situation. We should concentrate on our classes." Remus said feeling like the discussion will never end.

Rumours about the Fat Lady incident didn't die through the day and it seemed like everybody had one or two theories about it. It was really strange to hear it every single class, Remus seemed to be ready to take a bite from his colleagues if one were to mention it again.

"Are you alright? You seem on edge." Alice asked him during History of Magic.

They were standing next to each other since Potter decided to sit next to Cissney. He had much to comment about her lack of activity when she wanted something and even from her seat in the back, Ophelia could hear Cissney sigh desperately.

"I just wish students could be more silent about this subject. It's annoying how nobody concentrates." Remus answered, trying his best to sound normal but Alice was not reassured.

"Is Remus really alright?" Ophelia asked the person sitting next to her: Sirius. He didn't want to stay next to Pettigrew for some reason so the whole group was divided across the room.

"I don't know. I heard him pace around the room last night and he's been very sensitive this past week." Sirius said watching his friend's back with worry.

"What about you? Even Regulus has been more active than you. He's breaking rules in order to achieve whatever he desires." Ophelia changed the subject, knowing Remus could hear. She saw his shoulders tense as soon as Sirius opened his mouth.

"I've been active," he said with a loose smirk. He thought she may get the hint and laugh it off but her face didn't twitch once. "Family business, Molley. Cannot talk about it."

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