Chapter 52

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"Reg! Reg, stop running away and tell me what was that?" Sirius barked at his younger brother, grabbing him by his arm and harshly stopping him. "Were those guys messing with you?"

"I can manage my own school life, thank you very much," the youngster replied, looking anywhere but into his brother's eyes.

"Those were Gryffindors. Why didn't you tell me?" Sirius added, feeling exasperated.

"Because it wouldn't make a difference. You're one of them after all." he said, "I don't need you to take my side. We're not the same."

Regulus' answer hit deep into Sirius' heart, making the older boy let him go and sigh loudly.

"Did mother tell you something weird again? Did she advice you to stay away from me?"

"She didn't have to. People can't see us together, it's not as if we're kids."

"Yes, we are. You're a first year, Reg, and you already made an enemy out of Gryffindors? Is this Lestrange's influence or-"

"Slytherin. I'm a Slytherin, brother. This conversation is useless. Just, don't talk to me anymore," Regulus mumbled before he ran away, leaving Sirius both furious and confused.

"He told me to never speak to him again, can you believe it?!"

It was only natural that Black would go running to his best friend and complain to him. That was fine, moving even, but Sirius chose the wrong time and wrong place for their brotherhood time.

"Hey, Black, we're trying to concentrate here." Cissney hissed and she was not the only person to be interrupted during DADA. Cerberus was a fun professor but he still needed them to take notes, Since the subject was werewolves, he particularly gave them strict information to copy down.

"Everything's alright, Sirius?" the owlish professor turned his wide eyes to the dark haired boy.

"Sure, professor. Extraordinary!" Sirius said sarcastically but Cerberus shook his head and shrugged the teenager off, knowing it was better to not know.

"Kids," the professor mumbled as he went back to his desk. He could really see the reason why Spinnard hated teaching, especially when he had Ravenclaws interrupt him every few minutes in order to add to his explanations.

"You should control yourself during classes, Black. You were lucky professor Knowingall is so kind...if it was Spinnard..." Alice stopped, shuddering at the thought.

Once classes were done, students rushed out as if the Devil was on their trail. That was far from the characterization of their professor -who was angelic compared to Spinnard- but they couldn't wait for their dueling club.

"Hey, Molley, I'd like my partner back this term." Sirius started, grabbing a hold of Potter.

"It's alright," as soon as she said that she turned to Frank Longbottom, "I already have someone else in mind."

The way she smiled cutely made the boy shudder. He noticed how fast she was improving and how sharp she was and yet he couldn't say no.

Nothing major really happened afterwards, not until their Hogsmeade break on Valentine's Day.

"Um-this is odd,"

It wasn't exactly odd as it was different.

Cissney became quite a big influence in the student council and getting many cards was expected. Lily was also very smart and although she seemed to be on good terms with everybody, she only got a card from Severus although he said it wasn't necessarily romantic. Ophelia couldn't care less and there was wasn't so peculiar that she received a card as much as it was the person that gave it to her.

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