Chapter 107

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Rabastan stood there, completely taken aback by her sudden request. He couldn't believe she asked him right there, where anyone could hear.

"This is not a good place to talk about something like that," Rabastan mumbled before he left for the dungeon.

"I'd like an answer," she said, following him closely.

"No," he said quickening his pace so he could get as far as possible from her. "Now go back to your classmates."

"No." Was her clear answer which both annoyed and brought a smile to Rabastan's face. "Rabastan, I need to know that you will not-"

"Not what? Get you killed? I believe it is quite the other way around. If anyone will end up dead, there are higher chances it will be me."

"Last time you sided with my father, although you said you love me. If something happens and you will have to that we are just two separate individuals, what will stop you from doing it again?" She asked stopping, knowing she touched a sensitive subject.

Rabastan looked down and felt bad. She had a way of using the worst events in order to either make a point or get what she wanted, just like her father. But he also knew that she was right.

"Although you don't love me anymore, or maybe you haven't loved me from the beginning, can't you at least protect me? Don't you think I deserve that much?"

"You will not die, Ophelia," Rabastan said, very assured of his affirmation. "You will not die. I don't need to make a vow in order to protect you." He said and hurried away.

Ophelia stood there, both angry and disappointed that her plan didn't work. She was about to turn and go up into the common room when she saw black hair from around the corner of the stairs. At first, it looked like it was Sirius or maybe Nott but this person was too short.

"Aresto Momentum," she whispered and the boy got stuck in his running movement. "My, my, aren't you just like your brother, Regulus," she said shaking her head at the young Slytherin. "I'm surprised you returned to school, I thought your mother would have already given you as a sacrifice to the Dark Lord," Ophelia added sarcastically as she let him move once more.

"It's not sacrifice," he mumbled wiping himself off shame. "I can't wait to be a Death Eater and have him trust me,"

"What do you find so attractive to his ideas? He believes in the supremacy of the purebloods, alright, but he doesn't have to kill innocent people just because he can or because they are inconveniences. Is that what you want? To enslave muggles just like your family has enslaved house elves?"

Regulus stared into her eyes with a strong belief that she was wrong but at the same time, he couldn't quite deny what she said. He knew that Voldemort would kill immediately if he felt disrespected or disrupted by anyone or anything. His plan was to unify the wizarding world and not hide anymore from muggles...but Regulus also knew that many muggles have died and many half-bloods and muggle-born wizards have disappeared.

"You don't have to follow in Sirius' footsteps and fight against your family and their values but you could tell me what happens at these Death Eater meetings." she suddenly said, giving him a chance to do some good.

"What? You want me to rat everything to you? Are you insane? I could die in a second!"

"No, you won't. I'll protect you. If something happens to you, I will get very angry and I can make my father very angry as well. If that happens, we both know he won't hesitate to murder."

"Yes. Murder me," Regulus said already feeling the chill in Voldemort's eyes.

"What if I vow to you? If by any chance you get hurt because of me, I'll die. We can't have that happen, can we? Father would go crazy if his precious tool dies and he has no host to continue his vile life." She said with such fire in her words, she didn't even sound ironic.

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