Chapter 87

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"You...look suspiciously happy, badge."

It was hard to miss it. Ophelia had never been depressed but she has never smiled and hummed to herself before, at least not in front of people. As soon as they arrived back to Hogwarts, James has been expecting his former sour grape to vomit rainbows because she was that happy.

"Are you that excited to fail exams, Molley?" Black asked feeling very snappy. His brother has been getting on his nerves after the party. He was growing way too close with the older Slytherins, especially with Avery.

"What makes you believe I will fail?" She asked, her mood still not affected.

"Because we learn nothing in DADA. Even Remus agrees with me, right mate?"

"Not specifically."

Hearing his answer, Black narrowed his eyes playfully at his werewolf friend.

"Selwyn seems even worse after the holidays, doesn't she? I think we wrote the same lessons a few times and she doesn't really talk to us about anything." Peter mumbled while searching for more details about transfiguration.

"I don't care what her hobby is or what type of tea she drinks, though." Black said rolling his eyes. "We have less than 4 months to get our shit together and the Ministry is not even bothering to help us, the future of this world." He added growing annoyed by himself.

One little boy, maybe a first year, came rushing to them in the library and stopped right next to Ophelia.

"The headmaster..." he stopped to catch his breath before he continued, "He wants to see you. Right now."

Ophelia blinked, taken aback by the sudden request. The boys stared at her in confusion, maybe except Sirius who had an idea what it was about.

"I'll walk with you, Molley. Come on." He said and didn't even wait for her to gather her books.

They barely made it into the corridor when Sirius started to share his opinions out loud, something that Ophelia has been hearing for the past week.

"Do you think it's about the Christmas party and how you allegedly petrified Katie?" He asked with a light tone.

Ophelia rolled her eyes, not finding that problem serious enough for someone so important to interfere. Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts not the Minister of Magic and even so, nobody cared what a few kids did.

"You know, we are not allowed to use magic outside school. So even if they try to pin it on you, there is no trace that could actually lead them to you." Sirius continued.

"Wait," she stopped and frowned at what he just mentioned, "So the ministry can trace whatever spell we use back to us?" Sirius nodded slowly not understanding what was the problem. "I should be fucked then. I use magic every summer, especially back when I was training with Lestrange."

Sirius frowned and yet he wasn't surprised. Now that he knew of her identity, it was easier to deal with whatever information she threw at him.

"Well...I can only think that somebody interfered. Or they placed a strong enchantment over you so that nobody knows when and where you use it." Sirius said with a shrug, "That's not so bad, though."

Ophelia doubted that. If her father could literally make her invisible, he could do whatever he pleased with her and no one will ever find her. After her conversation with him about immortality she really didn't know what to expect.

"It is bad considering what my father does." She mumbled, already having a headache.

Sirius went on with his theories for the whole way and didn't stop until they reached the entrance to the headmaster's office.

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