Chapter 75

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As soon as she was dropped home, Ophelia locked herself in her room. She didn't come out at all the next day and house-elves were particularly worried for the kind Gryffindor.

"She's still in her room?" Asked Rabastan as soon as he got home. He was tired and hungry but most of all, he wanted to see his girlfriend.

"Let her be. Weakness is not accepted among Death Eaters." Rodolphus said not caring what was happening with Ophelia.

"How did she do? What was the challenge?" Rabastan asked as he sat opposite his brother.

"A few of our former classmates used legilimency in order to create the illusion of terror. They were supposed to wake up by themselves but dear Ophelia failed. Malfoy woke her up." Bellatrix explained coming to her future husband's side. "How unfortunate. The daughter of the Dark Lord is a weak weasel." She teased with irony.

Rabastan knew that Ophelia was particularly talented in legilimency so the mere thought of her failing at it was just wrong. He got up and walked up to her room. He knocked once but there was no answer.

"Ophelia, it's Rabastan. Don't make me apparate inside." He said very seriously.

After a few moments, the door opened and he met the walking pillow. Her head rose from under it and she looked like she had drank the whole day.

"What happened?" He asked following her inside. Ophelia didn't say anything, she just lied back on the bed making her look like a cocoon. Rabastan sat next to her not yet pulling the covers off. "What did you see last night? Did my brother overdo it?"

"Yes." Was her clean answer before she mumbled something incoherent.

"Was it about me?"

There was a moment of silence before she uncovered her head, "Not only about you. It was about Lucius and Severus as well."

Rabastan raised an eyebrow not quite expecting Malfoy to have an effect on her. However he did imagine Severus Snape will be used in her illusion just as much as she was in his.

"It was awful. You appeared telling me that you are staying beside me only because my father ordered you to do so. That's not true, is it?" She asked looking up into his eyes with innocent green eyes. She probably looked like a mirror image of her mother at that moment because Rabastan had never seen Tom so vulnerable.

"No, I don't think he is aware of our relationship. He has been busy forcing pure-blooded families into agreeing with his ideas. More and more are taking his side and more and more are dying because of it."

She looked at him carefully and got up, "Do you agree with his propaganda? Do you want to murder innocents for something they don't have power over?" She asked in a monotone voice, making it hard for Rabastan to know what exactly she is thinking or what answer she expects.

"It doesn't matter what I want or what my opinion is. I am just a tool." He replied, again avoiding being honest with her.

"I wish we could elope. We could go to America or Africa," she mumbled looking down at her ring.

"We'd die before taking a step out of this house. He knows everything."

"Does he?" She asked thinking about her father's legilimency skills. "Is he such a talented wizard?"

Rabastan stared at his girlfriend in confusion. He didn't understand what she wanted him to say or do. In any case, Rabastan was in no way ready to abandon his family.

"Is Severus a Death Eater now?" She suddenly changed the subject. "Did he pass?"

"He failed. As far as I know, you were the reason he couldn't wake from the illusion."

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