Chapter 83

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When Ophelia Molley opened her eyes on the morning of November 1st, she felt a rush of adrenaline come over her. All the events that happened last night came like a flood and even if she looked like she was washing her teeth, Ophelia's memory of last night was rewinding. When it ended, the green eyed Gryffindor looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw the way her whole face morphed according to her feelings. She was not angry, no, Ophelia was ready to kill somebody.

When she walked downstairs into the Common Room, she found Alice and Frank having a blushing contest in front of the fireplace. Pettigrew was sleeping on the couch with a content drunken face and even Arthur Weasley was on the floor in a corner, playing with a toy car.

"Where is Sirius Black?" She asked in a low tone.

Arthur looked at his younger housemate and shuddered at the killing vibe around her. It was better to have one martyr rather than have a lot of collateral victims.

"He just left for breakfast. You can still reach him on the st-" she left before he finished.

"I wonder what happened. Ophelia was brought asleep into the dorm by Sirius. They weren't even at the party when the Ravenclaws brought alcohol." Alice commented just as James Potter appeared with messy hair, wrinkled clothes and drool on his right side of the face.

"Whaaat?" He asked groggily as he came to the two lovers. "What did I miss?"

"I think Sirius is about to get murdered." Frank answered still feeling the tension from Ophelia. She looked normal, very calm, and yet she looked like a snake getting ready to attack its victim.

Sirius was walking to the Great Hall with many thoughts in his mind. He was somewhat guilty for what happened last night but once he remembered what Ophelia shared, he started to feel even worse. She told him a lot of personal details, secrets that very few people knew. He wasn't even that high on her list of friends but he made her tell him everything. He shuddered at the way it made him feel as a human being.

He had time to put his foot down into the Entrance Hall when he felt himself fly towards the nearest wall. He groaned and got ready to glare and curse at his attacker but it was not the expected Slytherin.

"What are you doing, Molley?" He asked seeing her watch him as she approached him slowly. She raised an eyebrow and Sirius got pinned against the wall, his tries to move even his fingers failing. She stopped in front of him, very very close. He noticed her arms were crossed in fron of her chest and she didn't seem to have her wand on her. "You're wandless,"

"There is no reason to hide now, is there? You already know everything about me." It wasn't what she said as it was the way she said it: she knew, Ophelia cpuld remember everything. "Did you really think that instead of apologizing, obliviating me is a better idea?" She hissed just like a snake, her eyes appearing to be elongating.


"I want you to stop talking to me. Don't sit, walk, stand, talk or even breathe around me. From this day on, consider me a ghost and I will consider you one too." She said underlining every word.

"Aren't you more worried that I will go around telling everyone who your father is?" He asked while finally getting steady on his feet.

"You do that and see how it goes," She said looking at him with the same coldness her mother looked at him when he was sorted in Gryffindor.

Ophelia's back walking away from Sirius haunted him for the rest of the term. Sirius was rather happy to have her leave the castle during Christmas, especially because he knew he will meet her again at the party. He stood in the owlery, looking at his family owl while holding tightly onto the letter he has received. He couldn't believe that his mother did such a disfavor to him and announced the Malfoys he and Regulus will definitely attend their Christmas party. Even worse was the setting: the adults were not going to be there, it was something prepared just for the young pure-bloods and half-bloods that wanted to become Death Eaters. He looked down and closed his eyes tightly, his mind going back to Ophelia.

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