Chapter 116

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From the moment Ophelia asked Snape to spend summer with her, it seemed like the atmosphere changed. She knew that he found her life both annoying and exciting, and he wanted to be part of something greater than him. She also knew that it would take his mind off of Lily and maybe when they saw each other again in September, things would have been forgiven and forgotten.

"I guess you're really not going back to the Potters," Sirius said seeing her smile with such satisfaction.

It became a sort of comfort to go to the lake and spend time there, with nobody around but nature and the distant sound of voices. Sirius seemed to always find her there as if he was on the lookout every other day.

"No. But where will you go?" she asked, turning to glance at him. Sirius sat next to her and sighed.

"Actually, I snooped around and found that one of my relatives has a flat in London. I'll stay there for a bit. I also found out that my mother is not feeling well,"

"Will you go aid her back to life?" Ophelia asked with a snicker.

Sirius threw her a sarcastic look making her laugh.

"Why are you in such a jolly mood? You're only going to Spinnard's Cottage," he mumbled grumpily. They were not going to see each other every day anymore, which made Sirius understand that he took all the time with the Potters for granted.

"That's exactly why. It's home. I can't wait to get there."

"Will Knowingall wait for you?"

"No need. Dylis will probably come to pick me up." She said growing even more giddy.

"...have you heard?" Sirius said after a short pause. "Evans and Snape are no longer friends. He called her mud blood and told her to go die with her friends."

Although Sirius didn't like Snape at all, he was still very aware of how Ophelia called him her best friend very confidently. He didn't want to piss her off just before their final summer break as students but he still wanted to know her opinion.

"I saw it," she said not quite sounding like it meant something major to her.

"Really? You saw them fight?" Sirius asked, his eyes widening in surprise.

"It wasn't a fight. It was a breakup," she replied in the same nonchalant way.

"You don't seem affected. It's two of your friends."

"Because it's not my place to interfere. Just because Lily and Severus aren't friends anymore, it doesn't mean I have to take sides. We're mature enough to understand."

"You do know Snape hates all of us, right? Doesn't he tell you to stop fraternizing with the enemy?" Sirius asked curious how their odd friendship played out. It was so weird because, at times, Sirius could see and feel that Snape cared for her but the next day he would completely ignore her in the castle.

"He doesn't hate everyone, only you and Potter. Particularly, Potter. But do you blame him? I saw what you did to him after the OWLs. You levitated him upside down and laughed at him," she said. "He didn't tell me, it was too humiliating. But I saw it in his memories," she added with a scoff.

Sirius looked down at her hands and sighed heavily. He couldn't deny the truth but he couldn't apologize either, because he did find it funny at that moment. To his disadvantage, Ophelia could hear his inner conflict.

"You go around saying that you want to seduce me but you're not doing it right, Sirius. You should re-think your plan, it's not smart disrespecting the people I care about, and I'm not talking only about Snape."

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