Chapter 128

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The Malfoy Manor was dark and house elves were nowhere to be found, probably because the atmosphere was suffocating. Dobby didn't have to lead them to the room where Voldemort was because Knowingall's screams were enough. Ophelia could feel her heart break with every step, that until she entered from the shadows of the hallway and noticed the long dinner table and all the murderers sitting, with her father on his feet, wand pointing at Knowingall's levitating figure. He looked horrible, barely breathing, and with blood everywhere on his face and body. He was barely clothed and had dirt in his hair, which meant he was probably captured and fought before being brought here.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, her tone venomous.

Everyone turned to stare at the unannounced guest. Sirius was taken aback, scared but trying to keep his calm composure. The wand was already in hand and all he was thinking about was keeping Ophelia safe.

Voldemort smirked as he saw real raw hatred on her face, which was good. But he didn't say a word, not yet.

"Be quiet little girl and stop right there if you don't want to get hurt," a Death Eater she did not know advised to which Ophelia's response was unlike her.

"You shut up," she said and killed him. It happened in a second, she merely swayed her hand at him and green light struck him, killing him instantly.

Sirius was not the only shocked person, Lucius was just as surprised by what he witnessed. But it seemed like Voldemort was rather pleased.

"Give him to me or I'm going to kill everyone in here."

Some Death Eaters chuckled, not believing that she could. But Voldemort's eyes were enough to silence them.

"You think it will be easy? You think you are able to kill and sleep peacefully at night?"

"Why not? Killing everyone in this room will only be seen as a noble act for society. You're all murderers,"

"You are one too now. You killed a man."

"Give Knowingall to me, father," she said, knowing he will grow annoyed by the way she called him. Seeing how he seemed to taunt her, she took a different approach. "If you do, I promise I will come to you when you will ask for me. Maybe not now, but we both know you need me."

"Promises mean nothing, Ophelia. You need to vow," he said, waiting to see her reaction.

"Fine," she said without thinking twice.

"What?" Sirius whispered, not believing his eyes and ears.

Ophelia grabbed his father's arm tightly, the one with the wand, and from her hand came out the faint sparkles of ancient magic.

"I vow to come to you when you will ask for me, willingly. But in exchange, you must not approach Knowingall ever again. He's almost dead, he doesn't represent a threat to you. You must vow that you will not kill him nor approach him and Spinnard's Cottage. What do you say, father?" She said, her eyes mirroring his, which made him smile.

"I accept, you can have that old house and your little guardian but Ophelia, you will die if you try to hide when I need you by my side."

"The vow has been made." She said, the strands of magic tightening around their arms before disappearing. "Give him to me."

Voldemort did keep his word, Knowingall's body levitated to Ophelia and Sirius had to help her carry him because he was barely alive.

"Don't forget Ophelia. You killed someone today," he whispered before she left, knowing that for him it was a successful endeavour.

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