Chapter 50

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The two weeks of holidays ended quite dramatically for some. While the Nott family could finally live their vile existence without a family of squibs always asking for a fight, Ophelia has been traumatized by watching someone die in front of her. When they returned to Hogwarts, she visibly retreated into her shell and started to look into people's eyes every time she had the opportunity.

"There will be a Quidditch match some time in February and from what I heard, I'll play seeker once again!" Potter bloated.

"You heard wrong," Charlie Wood mumbled, quickly stuffing his face so he won't have to give answers.

"What about you, badge? How's Christmas been?" Potter asked, drawing everyone's attention on her.

Ophelia glanced at Sirius before her eyes moved on the glasses boy. She shifted in her seat until finally deciding to speak.

"I freed a house elf called Dylis." she answered surprising everyone including the dark haired boy. "It happened. Besides that, my holidays have been uninteresting," she continued.

"What do you mean you freed a house elf? Did you even have one to begin with?" Cissney asked, confused how could Ophelia come in contact to the short creature.

Sirius glanced at the loud-mouthed girl before he turned to Ophelia with interest. Her friends were cornering her and her answer needed a lot of thought.

"It wasn't mine, it was someone else's. I was at the right place, at the right time. That's what happened, really." she answered, amusing Sirius. She had a lot of courage to lie so upfrontedly. "What about you, Black? How was Christmas?" she turned to him, surprising the boy but also their classmates.

"It was dreadful." was his simple answer and Ophelia didn't pester.

That was how dinner ended and everyone seemed to be content. Ophelia felt good now that she was surrounded by red and couldn't help but smile.

"You're being incredibly odd." Sirius mumbled as he lagged behind so he could walk with her. "You should be loud and preppy like jolly beans over there,"

Ophelia raised an eyebrow as she registered the person he was talking about was actually Cissney.

"She's bright and lively. I think that's a goal we'll never achieve. You and I, we can't run from our blood."

Sirius stopped and stared at the brunette with a glare. There were so many questions he had planned for her but with all the excitement of being back at school he just shrugged them off. But here she was, talking as if something happened and knowledge found itself in her brain.

"What do you know about blood? Why were you at Malfoy's Christmas dinner?" The boy asked, curiosity and suspicion bubbling inside his body.

"I was invited." She answered simply.

"By who? Lucius?"

There was a short pause in which Ophelia looked to the side, avoiding the real answer.

"Sure. Lucius is a friend, for the use of a polite word. There's also Rabastan," she said, looking like everything was normal.

"Whatever you say..." he mumbled and walked past her, the glare never leaving his face.

Ophelia watched as he jumped the last few steps since the stairs moved. She sighed heavily and looked down at her muddy shoes. Life was getting complicated.

It wasn't anything new to have sudden flashbacks of the time she spent in the orphanage, especially Aviemore, but this dream was different. It wasn't real but it definitely felt so, from the very beginning...

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