Chapter 105

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Nothing odd happened during the next few days. Ophelia kept to herself, thinking about a lot of issues but most importantly about Malfoy. Yes, Sirius' confession was the last of her worries, she was more scared of her father barging in and killing everyone in front of her. It was such a believable plot that she shuddered only imagining it. But then she remembered Idris' advice: there is a way to make sure they will never betray you.

"Will he even accept my terms?" she muttered as she thought about how she could protect herself and everyone in the Order.

She glanced at Potter and Sirius and how they were laughing on the front porch while still working on their bike. They were both glowing in her eyes, probably two of the most precious people in the world right now.


Ophelia's eyes widened at the cute voice of a familiar black kitten. She was surprised to see him bop down the stairs, careful not to fall before he approached her with big curious eyes. It was so odd how he came to her and crept up her pants before getting comfortable in her lap.

"How long have you been here for?" she asked, petting his head. "Shouldn't you act your age, even if blocked in this form?"

"Meoww," he seemed to have scoffed but it was hard to say for sure.

"What do I do, Peverell?" she asked, her tone changing completely. "It's getting harder and harder to hide from him. I just want to get rid of this pressure. I want to tell him to back off but I know it wouldn't mean anything. He will kill all of them..."

Peverell sighed and he put his little paw on her hand as if caressing her, trying to make her feel better.

When the boys returned, they were muddy and loud, and yet they both stopped to watch how a black kitten seemed to bring a bit of relief to a young woman.

"When did we get a cat?" James asked, not having seen it before.

"That's not a cat, mate. That's...a grown-up man, apparently. I heard him before when I was in my dog form." Sirius explained, narrowing his eyes at the mysterious guest. "Maybe we should have another discussion,"

Sirius said that but the kitten disappeared afterward, and he searched in every shadowy corner and under every surface and even in the attic and around the house. He just vanished. That until the last night before returning to Hogwarts.

Sirius was ready to go to bed when he saw something black standing on the front porch, looking at the moon. He changed into his dog form and quietly joined the black kitten.

<What are you doing here?>

<Guarding you,> the same manly voice answered him. He turned to Sirius with a bemused expression before he said, <It didn't go too well, hm? Your confession,>

<How do you-have you been spying on us?>

<Spying is what I do best. But no, it just reminded me of myself a long time ago. I forced my way into her life and then I ended up being the reason she died,> said the kitten, returning his sight to the glowing moon. Sirius couldn't help but watch this creature curiously.

<Who are you exactly?>

<Ask Ophelia. She already knows,>

<Who died because of you?> Sirius continued his interrogation since it was so hard catching this guy.

<Lillian Gaunt, Ophelia's mother. Although I was good at a lot of things, quite a brilliant wizard I might add, I was a bad occlumence. Tom searched into my mind and found her. It is my fault that Ophelia doesn't have a family. If only I would have been more honest...> he knew that he was throwing a lot of new information at this young boy so Peverell decided to return to things that mattered, <Both she and her mother have deeper worries than love, Sirius. You are the last on her to-do list. The problems arise when they leave him, when they realize they are just tools in his quest for power.>

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