Chapter 112

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When she returned to Hogwarts, Ophelia went straight into the Great Hall for dinner. She spent most of the day with Snape, either chatting or searching for new books in Tomes and Scrolls. It was entertaining even if it may not sound so, because she could be around him and not mention her father or the Death Eaters.

That was the main reason she was still smiling when she sat at a random table, not caring who was around. She was ready to take a bite from a sumptuous-looking chicken leg when somebody sat next to her.

"Had fun today?" Rabastan's voice came too close to her ear. "I think my ears bleed after hearing Potter whine and complain about how you abandoned him for Snape," He added genuinely sounding and looking tired of the stag.

"Is that so?" was her apathetic reply, making him roll his eyes.

"Lucius came to Hogsmeade for a date," Rabastan changed the subject. "He was quite sure that if he stays still, you'll find him,"

"I did," she said before taking another bite.

"And?" Rabastan pressed.

"Why so curious? It has nothing to do with you or school," Ophelia said turning to him with an amused expression. "Do you think that I'm going to take Lucius and run into trouble?"


"If you were better at controlling your mind, you could have found all the information you need in my memories," she commented in a cold tone, knowing he understood what she meant.

"You say that but what about disapparating? Are you able to do it?" he asked narrowing his eyes at the Gryffindor. She bit her lip, knowing that he caught her.

She pouted and looked to the side when she saw Dumbledore from the corner of her eye. He was speaking to McGonagall but she had this feeling that he was also very much aware of what was happening in the Great Hall.

"Lucius said that you and he had cleaned the cottage of darkness," she changed the subject.

"The premises around the house, yes. Your father had dementors all around the forest and I think some gnomes tried to make themselves at home in the garden. But the house repelled them, as well as dark wizards who tried to enter and search for valuable stuff to steal." Rabastan replied, probably talking about Dolohov.

"Is there any painting of an adult Spinnard?" She asked looking straight into his eyes.

"Not in the cottage as far as I know. Maybe his parents have one, though I doubt it." He answered before he raised an eyebrow and leaned in, "Why?"

"I want to speak to him about certain aspects of my life. My childhood, to be exact. It seems that someone might have tempered with some of my memories,"

"And you think it was him?"

"He killed a woman and kidnapped her child straight from her womb, so yes. I think he can do anything,"

"I can ask around but there are slim chances. Besides, Spinnard was not a likable person, he didn't have any friends."

Ophelia sighed and looked down at her plate.

"Why don't you use a Time Turner? You can go back in time and ask him yourself. Just avoid meeting your past version and it should be alright. He hasn't been dead for such a long time,"

"It's been 5 years," she said knowing that he didn't die a few weeks ago. But Rabastan shrugged innocently, not finding that to be a problem. "Where can I get a Time Turner from?"

"I'll find you one."

The rest of the evening passed with no troubles. Ophelia seemed to be in a trance and several times Potter tried to 'lift the curse of Snape' off her, which only brought him a strong push eventually.

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