Chapter 44

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Chapter 44: The Call. 

(3rd POV) 

Toni sat on the living room couch with his family and detective Joan in the room with him. He sat there clenching and unclenching his fist, blocking out whatever they were saying as he glared out the window. 

Jordan stood there continuing to talk to detective Joan. "Do you think Holly and Paul took Layla somewhere far?" He couldn't help but ask, causing Joan to sigh. 

He nodded his head. "Possibly." He answered truthfully. "They know the police is after them and they don't want to get caught so they must've taken her somewhere far where no one could find them." He informed him, causing Jordan to frown at his response. 

Jennifer continued to rub Lori's back in comfort as she continued to cry. Katherine looked over at Toni and frowned seeing him completely emotionless almost like the time when Travis ran away with that psycho. She walked up to him taking a seat beside him causing his head to snap over at her direction, she placed her hand onto his back. 

"We'll find her." She reassured, he rubbed his face due to stress. 

Kevin, Travis, and Drake tried calling a few other investigators that they know could help. "Alright, thank you." Kevin said, before hanging up the phone. He walked up to Toni causing his brother to look up at him. "I've called a few people they are willing to help." Kevin informed him, Toni looked back down not saying a word. 

Gina soon entered the living room, with Kenny in her arms as she scanned everyone seated and comforting each other. She looked down completely upset, Kevin hesitantly walked up to her causing her to look up at him.

He silently took his son from her arms and placed a kiss to the side of his head. "Nothing?" Gina asked, hoping he'd say they found something but by the looks of it they didn't. 

Kevin shook his head. "Not yet." He responded, the two both looked over at Toni who looked as if he was about to explode from mixed emotions. 

 Toni stood up from the couch causing Jordan and Jennifer to look over at him, he didn't make eye contact with anyone and headed towards the exit of the room. "Where are you going, son?" Jordan asked, causing Toni to slowly stop by the exit. 

"Upstairs." He responded, coldly. 

He walked out saying nothing more, he climbed up the stairs and froze when his eyes landed on their babies' room. He couldn't help but walk towards the room, opening the door to see the painted walls that Layla and him had painted. The boxes that carried the parts of the cribs were still unopened, he shut the door feeling a lump in his throat. 

"Fuck." He cursed under his breath, slumping down onto the ground with his back to the door. Tears slipped out of his eyes as he scanned the green and pink painted room, he clenched his jaw as the stinging pain in his heart had gotten worse. 

He knew if something happened to any of them he's take the blame for not finding them sooner. If they even touched Layla he'd destroy the both of them, cause them worse pain that they caused her. 

He froze when his phone vibrated, pulling out his phone looking down at the unknown number confused. He swiped his finger across the screen. "Hello?" He answered, but instantly froze when he heard the person's voice. 

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