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"Here ... Take it " she said, and when he looked at it her confused expression was now neutral.

"Take it, your headache will be gone at least for some time" she said , and he took it while smiling.

Gulping down he kept the glass on the tea table and was about to get up when she made him sit down again .

"Remove your coat " she said, and he smiled.

"We can do that later Hun, i have work -"

"Pervert!!! I didn't mean like that !! Remove your coat and your waist coat too " she said, and he sighed by removing it and she took it and held it on her arm.

"Remove your upper two buttons" she said , keeping the coats aside.

"Hun, we can go home if you want ... " He said smirking.

" I said , unbutton your upper two buttons and lay down close your eyes and sleep Because work won't save you if you die !!! Health is important too.. think about your father and mother, they need you in their old days don't make them be by your side worrying about your health in their old days and about the work ??? Neither you're going anywhere nor the work !! Take your time.. you have plenty of days and months to understand them and complete the tasks, no one gave you the due date as you give us .. so chill , a little amount of rest won't harm anything. " She said , looking at him .

" Okay .. As you say Hun " he said smiling and laid down instantly.

" Idiot " she said.

And walked towards his desk wiping off the spilled coffee she took to the files which he was reading, turning off his laptop and system she turned off his cell phone too , pulling the screen down and making the room dark she turned the AC to the normal temperature and walked out of the room silently.

Coming back to her place she sat down checking those files which she brought from his office.

"I guess , the little soul was just a weak iron man"  she said, to herself referring to how strong and powerful he was when he was in school . Smiling to herself, she started her work .

Stretching his body more on the cold tiles he felt much relief and Your Highness Finally woke up he opened his eyes and looked up only to meet white ceiling he blinked trying to restore what was he doing last to end up sleeping on the floor ? And why was his office slightly dark just the moon light coming out of the glass walls He sat up looking around and realising he was still in his office and slept.

"Oh, yeahh Hun told me to take a nap . " He said , smiling .

But again looked up at the moon out of his glass realising it's already night ?? He stood up fast and turned on the lights and went towards his table only to see his phone switched off he turned on being confused about why she would turn off his phone.

"Ohh, you're finally awake ??' the voice made him look at the door. She walked towards him with the piles of files and her laptop.

" Hana ?? What are you doing here ?? " He asked .

" Work " she said keeping them on his desk .

"Why did you turn off the lights, my cell .. everything what's the time " he asked .

"Check your wrist watch Mr.Abadi " she said resting her hands  on her hip And he face palmed himself . He checked his watch to see

"9 :15 ?? Why are you here so long ? Aren't you getting late ?? I don't pay for an extra hour," he said .

"I never asked. " She said, checking the files and taking one of the books out .

"Sit down I have to tell you things " she said, And he stubbornly looked at her .

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