Boys in Danger

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" At my Farmhouse Saan... If you want you can accompany us" Henry said, making all the boys curse him.

" What are you guys doing ??" Meera asked .

"Nothing, as said . Some salon treatment, massage, then swimming at my farmhouse. Some online games, movie night ... Boys talk that's all. Come on join us , it'll be fun " he said , excited. And the boys sulk hearing his plan so boring.

"No thank you . You guys enjoy we have our plans ... Let's go Roo boys drop us first and you guys can go wherever you want " Saanvi said . And the men's ears grew big in amusement standing up straight.

"What ?? " Hassan asked .

" What ?? If you don't want to spend time with them, you can come with us.. sit with us till we are done " aaniya said

" Ohh, no problem Babe. You carry on . We'll have our movie night " he said excitedly circling his arm around Henry.

"Drop us first then " she said , and everyone walked away leaving their bags there itself. The boys happily took their bags and walked away talking with each other.

"Come on Henry !!. We perfectly know this night won't be boring right ??" Ahaan asked .

"It's THE Henry here ... Boring isn't even in my blood " Henry said , making the boys laugh.

"But i need sleep, -" shaan was cut off .

" Shut up shaan !!!.. Even the nerds are going to join you too " James said .

When they reached their cars. They shifted their belongings into two cars which the girls will be driving back home , driving them off .... The boys took three cars and parked the two cars for girls , handing over the keys to them they drove off to the farmhouse.

"So ? What now ??" Jay asked , getting out of the car .

" What ?? We are going to do what we said to the girls obviously, we need to look good and fresh . After then in the evening we'll start our small party" Henry said , as they all walked inside the spa .


The day went by, girls having their last time together at the girls house .... It was finally their Graduation, yes  3 years passed everything went by so fast that neither of them felt how the time ran away smoothly, it's been 3 years since Xavier's incident happened... It wasn't easy for anyone to move on especially Hana, but no one can stop living just because one is gone. Even if they want they couldn't just stop their life... Seeing how everyone was moving on, Hana had to pass those phrases of her tough time even if she didn't want it.. she cannot hang her whole life there itself and to think of it Xaveri also told her to move on she didn't move on Fully but accomplished in accepting her faith, all she did was accept what God wanted and be there .... Till her faith decides some other things.

"Why isn't Rohan picking up the call ???" Saanvi asked , walking back and forth.

"Chill sane, they might be watching movies" Meera said .

"I doubt that" Inaya said, munching her lays.

"I doubt it too.... There might be something fishy, or else samar won't dare to ignore my txt far my calls " rui said.

"Come on, at least we should trust them " aaniya said , innocently.

"Boys + alone time .... Cannot be trusted, and when they say 'justMovieNight' " Hana said.

"Guys, do we have any Doritos left ???" Tamia asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"Tam!! Something is more serious than Doritos!!!" Rui said

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