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Ten Million Dollars

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While you and Chihiro were exploring the third floor, Monokuma popped up out of nowhere and told the two of you to go to the gymnasium. Though you were a bit hesitant, you took Chihiro's hand and went to the gym with him.

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When you made it to the gym, you saw that Byakuya was already there. He glanced at you, and you could've sworn that there was a tiny smirk on his face.

Behind you, the door opened, revealing Toko. Chihiro's grip on your hand tightened, and you understood why. Toko's dark secret was that she was Genocide Jack, though she claimed that it was due to Disassociative Identity Disorder. You could only take her word for it...

Toko gasped when her gaze landed on you. She smiled creepily, a deep crimson blush dusting over her cheeks.

You glanced away nervously as everyone else walked in. Once everyone was there, Monokuma made his appearance by popping up on the stage.

"It looks like everyone's here! So then, let's get started!" Monkuma exclaimed.

"Come on, out with it. What kind of motive have you prepared for us this time?" Byakuya asked.

"No matter what you throw our way, we will not yeild!" Taka said with determination.

"Yeah, that's right! We're not gonna lose to you ever again!" Hina added.

"Puhuhu... You don't have to get so defensive. Calm down! I've decided to change things up a bit this time. Up 'til now, I've been using the WOOSH of the North Wind to get you all moving. But sometimes, you gotta use the sun to light a fire under someone's butt! Ahh-hahaha! So without further ado, I give you... THIS!" Monokuma held his arms out, and on the table in front of him, stacks and stacks of cash fell onto the table, "Ten million dollars! I've prepared this graduation present for whichever lucky student makes it out of here alive! Whaddya think? It's ten million bucks! Ten million smackaroos! It's like totally wowie wow wow, am I right!?"

"Ten million dollars is..." Makoto muttered.

"It's not nearly enough," Byakuya said, cutting him off.

"When it comes to motives, money certainly is the gold standard, so to speak," Kyoko said, "Whether it's in a mystery novel, or the real world..."

"B-But..." Hina stuttered, "There's no way we'd kill each other for money!"

"Swimmer chick's right! The hell you take us for, huh?!" Mondo demanded.

"Yeah, they're right. You can only have so much money before it runs out," you said.

"C'mon, stop trying to act tough. The most important thing is to live a pure and moral communal life!"

With that, Monokuma disappeared once more.

"Th-There's nothing to worry about, right?" Hina asked, "Nobody would kill a friend... for money, right?"

"Of course not! We would never stoop to a level so low!" Taka exclaimed.

Ding dong, bing bong

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon, the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then... sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."

"It's that time already, huh...?" Hina uttered.

"Alright, everyone, let's now return to our rooms. And don't worry about that money, got it!?" Taka rhetorically asked.

You nodded and went to go to your dorm, but you were stopped by Chihiro.

"Hm? What's wrong, Cheerio?" You asked, turning to him.

"Um... I'm... I'm scared... C-Can I sleep with you in your dorm for the night...?" He asked, looking away nervously.

"Oh, of course! C'mon."

You and Chihiro walked out of the gym, not noticing Celeste's gaze on the two of you. Her jaw clenched angrily, her eyes baring holes into the back of Chihiro's head.

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A/N: So... remember when I said that I wouldn't kill off Chihiro? Well... my plan might change a little-

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