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        After diffusing the argument, you all agreed to separate to search the school and meet back up in the dining hall at 7 o'clock. You went with Junko along with Leon, Hiro, and Chihiro.

"Mmm... Maybe we could try to see if we can get those metal plates on the windows to come off," you suggested.

"Yeah, we should totally do that!" Junko said, her tone of voice overly enthusiastic.

You all proceeded to walk down the halls and searched all of the rooms. Even with all of your strength combined, the metal plates wouldn't budge. It was nearing 7 o'clock, so you all gave up and went to the dining hall.

You found a seat in between Junko and Mondo and across from Hina and sat down.

"Okay! It looks like everyone's here. Time to start the meeting!" Taka exclaimed, "Let's all go around and share what we found out during our respective investigations! The sooner we find out what's going on, the sooner we get out of here!"

"Wait, hold on a sec!" Junko said.

"What's wrong!?"

"What about, uh... what's her name? You know, the silver-haired girl."

"Do you mean Kirigiri-san?" You asked.

"Yeah, her!"

"... What about her?" Taka asked.

"She's not here."


You looked around, and sure enough, Kyoko was nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder where she went. Has anyone seen her?" Hina asked, to which you all shook your heads.

"Wait, so nobody's seen her...?" Chihiro asked nervously.

You clutched onto your skirt tightly, remembering what Monokuma said about killing each other.

'Could she be...?'

"Darn it, Kirigiri-san! You're really going to be late like this on the first day of school!?" Taka rhetorically asked, his skin pale, "Not only is she late, she didn't tell anyone she would be late! A most unbecoming personality trait..."

"You're being a real jackass right now, you know that?" Junko said.

"Well what do you want me to do!? Punctuality is everything! Now then, I declare that the first session of the Hope's Peak Academy briefing meetings had begun!"

You all proceeded to discuss your findings. You came up with the following: you each have your own personal rooms, the metal plates on the windows are practically invincible, and there is a fridge that gets restocked every day.

As the discussion went on, a voice came from out of nowhere.

"You're all spending an awful lot of time yelling and carrying on." You all looked over to see Kyoko walking over. "Do you really think you can afford to do so? Have none of you accepted the reality of the situation?"

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