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        "Puhuhu! It's so simple! I just have to give everyone a motive!" Monokuma said.

"Motive? What the fuck are you talking about!?" Mondo asked angrily.

"Oh, by the way! There's something I wanna show you guys!"

"Stop changing the goddamn subject!"

"I have a little video I'd like you all to see. Oh, but don't worry. It's not some pervy 'adult' video or anything. Seriously, it's nothing like that! It's a special video for each of you showing what's going on outside the school."

"Outside the school...? What are you talking about?" Makoto asked.

"Heh-heh! Ooh, Master's so impatient today! Why don't you just watch it and find out? Here in the school, there's a specific place you can go that had everything you need to watch the video."

"Good, then we can go watch the video right now," Kyoko said, "But before we do that, I'd like to know... What are you? Why would you do something like this? What do you want from us?"

"What do I want from you...? Well, if you must know... Despair. That's all. If you want to know more than that, you'll have to figure it out for yourselves. Do whatever you need to uncover the mystery hidden within this school. I won't try and stop you. 'Cause to be honest, it's entertaining as heck watching you guys search so desperately for answers! So I guess I want amusement from you, too."

With that, Monokuma disappeared once more.

"He's gone..." Sayaka uttered, "And once again, he left before we could find out anything useful."

"Really? I think we learned something very useful," Kyoko said, "He had no intention of standing in the way of our pursuit of the truth. Interesting..."

"Perhaps, but what about the video he mentioned? I'm very curious to see what's on it," Sakura pointed out.

"Same here! Okay, so...!" Mondo said, glancing around the dining hall. His eyes landed on Makoto. "Hey Naegi! Check this out for us, would ya?"

"Huh? Why me!?" Makoto asked.

"'Cause you're the closest to the door! That's the rule, right?"


"Hey, hey... Hey hey hey hey hey! HEEEEEY!!!" Mondo yelled, cracking his knuckles, "You see how passionately I'm begging you!? What's the big deal? Just check it out real quick!"

"... O-Okay... I guess I'll get going, then."

"Awesome, thanks! I owe ya one!"

"... If Makoto's going, I'm going with him. It's not safe to walk around this place alone," Sayaka said, standing up.

"Ooh! Can I go, too?" You asked excitedly, standing up before Junko could say anything.

"Yeah, sure thing. Then we're countin' on the three of ya!" Mondo replied, "If anything happens, just yell, and I'll come runnin'!"

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        "I can't decide if Mondo is totally dependable or completely terrible..." Sayaka said as the three of you walked down the hallways.

"Yeah, I'd have to say he's kind of both," Makoto replied.

"Mmm... I get the feeling that he's the type of guy who wouldn't hesitate to beat up some stranger, but is also completely and utterly loyal to his allies," you muttered, mostly to yourself.

"So then, where's this 'specific place' Monokuma mentioned?" Sayaka asked thoughtfully, "It must be somewhere you can watch DVDs, but..."

"The A/V Room," you said, pointing at the yellow door that had a dark blue radio on it.

You all walked inside of the room. It was fairly normal and high-tech, though one thing stood out: a large cardboard box sat on one of the DVD players. When you looked inside, you saw a bunch of DVDs, each one with your names on them.

"This must be the 'video for each of us' he mentioned," you said, grabbing the DVD that had your names on it.

"I'd better go tell everyone!" Sayaka said, running off.

While Makoto just stood there, you went to one of the DVD players to watch your video. You sat down and inserted the disk.

At first, there was just static, but then, a scene cut on. A scene of your family.

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A/N: Tbh, I almost fell asleep while making this-

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