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"I swear, he's not gonna bite," I tell Adelaide, laughing as she runs away from my dog.

"He's so big for a year-old puppy!" She exclaims, cautiously watching his every move.

I roll my eyes at her dramatics, shaking my head.

"How's Matteo doing with his new medicine?" I question, referring to the medication he got put on for his mental health. Adelaide's mood changes, and I know she feels guilty for not realizing his situation sooner. But it's been a long time since then.

"He says they're working better than the last ones, so we're hoping it helps for a longer period of time."

I nod, reaching up to grab the pasta from a cabinet.

"Zhara, you shouldn't be straining yourself like that," Zion says as he enters the room, setting a file down on the table. I smile at him sheepishly, knowing I still think of him like I did the first time we met. And the pregnancy hormones make him seem even more handsome.

He comes over and rubs my stomach, soothing the six-month bump I've been sporting for a bit.

I sigh, never once thinking my damaged uterus could have a baby. But it seems that the universe has a different way of planning out my life. The life I had tried hard to avoid.

But here I am, happier than I have been in a long time. The engagement ring still glitters on my finger the same as it did four months ago when he proposed.

I remember every second of it, knowing he would've rather died then done a cliché romance movie scene. But anything he does is enough for me, and our future child.

"Are your brothers still coming to dinner?" He asks, kissing my cheek.

"Mhm, tell Adriano he can come, too," I reply. Adriano Armani was still iffy around my brothers, but he liked them more now that my father was dead. Shocker, right?

"He'd be happy to," Zion said, "And Flynn wanted you to know that he got the final contract together, and it's ready to sign."

"Oh, good," I turn on the stove, "Ajax has been stressing about that, he takes the Capo title way too seriously in my opinion."

Zion raises a brow at me, but doesn't argue. Good, he knows better than to start a useless argument with a pregnant woman.

"Have you spoken to him since his wedding?" Zion asks, referring to last week's long ass ceremony.

I nod, stirring up the water for the pasta.

"Dios, I love this ass so much," Zion groans, shamelessly grabbing the underside of my thighs.

"I'm glad," I remark, unimpressed, "You do know your sister is just in the other room, right?"

"So?" He says, kissing my neck as I cook dinner. I lean into his touch, falling in love with him more every day.

"You're just too sexy," he defends, "I can't resist."

"And you need to take the dog out," I tell him, patting his cheek and sending him off.

God, he must love me a lot.

Oh well, he signed up for it.

He gives me a goodbye kiss, smacking my ass for good measure.

That man was made for me.

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