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"Zion," she whispered, suddenly feeling like people were eavesdropping, "what if they followed us here?"

He looked over at her, twisting the keys out of the ignition and handing them to her, "Then I'll deal with them while you stay locked in here."

She didn't respond, instead, she sunk low into her seat and peered out the window frantically. She was too injured to fight right now, and she hated feeling so useless and stupid.

After three minutes, she expected the car hadn't followed them.

Until she saw headlights swerving towards a stop once they pulled into the parking lot. The black Mercedes had no more than three people, she counted.

Zion stayed silent, no emotion showing as usual. She met his gaze and he motioned for her to get lower than the window so she wouldn't be visible. She didn't want to, but she complied anyway, shuffling lower as he loaded his gun and made sure he had multiple knives strapped to him in hidden places.

She reached down to the glove box, popping it open and reaching for the extra gun inside.

He raised a brow at her, silently questioning how she knew where that was. She didn't. It was just a lucky assumption she had while being in a mob boss's vehicle.

A door slammed shut from what sounded like a good forty feet away, so Zion exited the car, clicking the lock button on the inside of the door before slamming it shut as well, walking towards whoever had followed them.

Zhara practically suffocated under the worry clouding her chest. She hated feeling helpless.

She glanced up, seeing the upper bodies of four figures.

Like she counted, three men from the Mercedes stood not two feet away from their car, standing still as Zion walked toward them.

He looked calm as he showed them who was going to be asking questions.

She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she knew it was important by the way they were all standing tall and looking angry.

Zhara rolled down the window just an inch so she could listen.

"-Lions, he wants a piece of the action, you could say," a heavy Spanish accent, the tall man in the middle with a buzzcut stated. That's when Zhara noticed the lion tattoos on each of their necks.


The Lions? Hadn't they all been dead for years?

"That's too bad for him," Zion retorted, not showing any sign of weakness. Never.

"He heard about the death of the girl; he's suspicious...and so are we," the tan one on the left stated with a smirk, but completely unaware of Zhara's presence in the car.

Zhara took that into consideration. Most of the underground world thought she was still dead, then.

"If he finds out someone knows more than him, he won't be happy," the one on the right with red hair and mischief-filled eyes grinned crazily.

Who was the "he" they were talking about?

"Was it you? Finally getting rid of the annoying little bitch who killed your mother?" the redhead asked.

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