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I felt so many eyes on me even though there were only about 9 visible people in the lobby. 

I slightly cowered at the thought and peered over the counter at the snack options. Flynn likes pineapple, I think. 

"Can I get you something, Miss?" 

I snap my head up to the source of the soft voice, cringing at the foreign accent that may seek out mine. I don't like the feel of this place. There is an older-looking woman with an apron on and a name tag that reads "Celia" and she has a soft smile on her lips. Her hair is highlighted with grey strands tied back in a low-bun. 

"Uh...Yes, actually. Can I get a fruit bowl and two of those muffins?" I ask, pointing towards the glass-covered display. The lady nods and starts packaging the stuff I asked for while I look around the area, avoiding contact with anyone. For it being so early in the morning, this place does look kind of alive. 

There were 4 men walking out of a hallway on the opposite side of the room, each holding briefcases in their hands. They all walk in sync and have very stern figures.

What is this? Men in Black?

"Here you go, darling. It will be twelve-ninety-nine. Do you have a room here or do you want to pay separately?" the woman says, snapping me out of my gaze. 

"Separately, please," I say, handing her the cash as she hands me the bag of food. 

"Alright, thank you. Have a good day!" she says with a smile. 

"You too," I reply, walking away and back over to where Flynn is standing. The lady at the desk is no longer there, and he seems to be waiting on me. I pick up my pace and flash him a smile as I approach. 

"Room 601," he says, showing me the key-card, "Got anything good?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Muffins and some fruit," I answer, holding up the bag. Flynn smiles and leads us toward the elevators to go up to the room. 

The elevator opens after Flynn hits the button, revealing a box with each wall covered by a mirror. I sighed seeing my crazed reflection in the mirror. I look like I just rolled out of bed. That was probably why everyone was looking at me. 

I had no clue what we were supposed to do from here. I pretty much dragged Flynn into this, and I barely even know how to get around this city without being caught. 

How was I gonna make money? How would I survive off of this? 

I would have to get missions from random people who would pay enough for me to assassinate someone. We couldn't live in a hotel forever, especially one that was high-end like this. 

What about Koven? He was the only one that acted like he actually cared about me, and I just left him without saying thank you?

I finally made eye contact with myself in the mirror-walls, only to see Flynn staring off to the side in his own thoughts. 

"What are we gonna do when we run out of money? This was so impulsive, I'm sorry I dragged you into this, I can't-" before I could finish getting my thoughts out in rambles, the elevator dinged and Flynn was grabbing my hand. He was dragging me out of the elevator before I knew it, and I didn't know how to react. 

"Flynn? Did you see something? Do you even know where you're going?" I ask, trying to get out of his grip. 

What is he doing? 

I stare at his hand gripping my wrist and I can't even recognize the person in front of me. My instincts immediately went into what I was trained to do... and my mind jumped to conclusions I didn't like. 

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