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"Just pack for a week's trip, I can buy you whatever you need there," I say, leaning up against the door of the stubborn girl. She wouldn't even let me into the damn room.

When I got no response, I just told her that we would be heading to the airport in half an hour.

"Trouble in paradise?"

I glared over my shoulder at a grinning Matteo. I rolled my eyes as I backed away from the locked door and started my way towards the office. Matteo followed as usual. 

"Have you told her yet?" 


"No, she's not stable enough," I said bluntly, turning the corner of the hallway. Matteo snorted, keeping a short trail on me. 

"Will she ever be?" he snickered to himself, making my blood heat slightly. He didn't know that half of it. 

I ignored him for the rest of the walk, recruiting a few of my men as I made my way down the halls. I was only bringing the inner circle to Italy with me, seeing as most of our main centers are located there. This movement needs to be as carefully planned as possible, but we have limited time. 

And he still won't see us coming. 

"The guy's tied up in the basement, I'll get somebody on him when the sun rises," Liam states, walking into the busy office. People were moving in and out, gathering things for the sudden trip. 

I nod in agreement, placing the key Zhara had found down on the desk in front of Liam. 

Liam looks down at the piece of metal, then back at me with furrowed brows. 

"What?" Liam asked, glancing at the key again. I then pulled out the papers Zhara gave me, laying each one out on the empty desk. 

"We have another problem," I cross my arms, leaning back in the leather chair. Liam doesn't look surprised. 

"When do we not?" He breathes out, sitting down across from the desk, observing the papers. 

There were six different sheets, and every other one was some type of map or a numbered list of things. In the top right corner of each paper, the old Lions' crest is stamped. Liam seemed like he hadn't recognized it at first because it had been so long since they were around. His eyes flashed with realization, wide and confused as he looked back to me. 

"So they really are back?" I nodded as an answer, running a hand through my hair. He stared at the first map, noticing that it was a map of the Viale Umbria area, known for its high crime rates. There were many red lines drawn that connected together. All of them led to a part on the Western side where the initials 'S.H.P.' were signed almost as a checkpoint. 

Another map was some hidden suburban area north of Milan, with similar red lines leading up to a different spot with the initials 'G.Q.' signed this time. 

The last map was a random laid back part of central Milan, with a bunch of streets nobody knew the names of. The surrounded large buildings and multiple garages. They as well had red lines that came out from the corner of the map to the very center. A large red dot was at the end of those lines located at what looked to be a warehouse of some sort. The initials signed near that one caught both mine and Liam's eyes.


I had a decent idea of what these letters meant, and I'm sure Liam did, too. 

We shared eye-contact for a second, each of us knowing what was to come. 

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