
627 26 16

{warning: explicit scenes ahead :)}


"Can you explain again why we are out here?" 

My feet hurt from walking on hot sand, and the sun was starting to set. 

The ocean seemed to roar louder at my impatientness. 

Zion looked back at me, his dress shirt unbuttoned from the wind. Grey eyes stalked my movements as I caught up to him. The fabric of my sundress danced with the air that passed. 

"Be patient, Zhara," the depth of his voice rumbled to my feet. I ignored my thumping heart as I sighed, knowing that I could trust him enough not to put me in danger. 

Well, at least I hoped I could. 

The beach was still hot although Autumn was coming up on a new season. The humidity from the water made me feel protected almost as if a cloud was wrapped around us. I wondered how long we had been walking now. We had been out here since this afternoon. 

Of course the Armani's owned a coastal shore; I'm sure they have a house on the sand, too.

Different rocks and boulders lined where the grass and beach met, some stacked and shaped oddly. 

Seashells littered the ground, untouched and unbothered by the world. 

There was a rope railing not too far from us, but we stayed near the water. Occasionally, the waves pushed up the shore and grazed my feet as I walked, white Louis Vuitton's in hand.

It was very secluded out here. No one around, and no one to threaten our time. 

"Come, Zhara." I glanced up at the sound of Zion's voice, only to see him walking toward a small house on the right. It wasn't something I expected him to own because of the minimalistic features, but nevertheless, it was beautiful. 

It was paneled with light wood and had a decorated patio adorned with plants and fabrics tied to high stakes in the sand. Little stones led us closer, and my breath nearly caught in my throat when I saw the large glass doors, and curtains flowing outward due to the open airiness of the house. It wasn't big and flashy, more so calm and reserved. It looked like a getaway, with couches you could rest on after being in the water all day. The views were amazing from the rooms, I imagined. 

"My mother designed this," he says quietly as we step onto the porch boards. I wouldn't doubt it, I understood his mother was a significant woman. 

"It's beautiful." 

I admired the outside, each individual reed that overhang, the beads that draped against the curtains. 

The tied fabrics blew against my body, so I stepped away, but accidentally backed into Zion. 

I sucked in a breath when his hands latched to my waist, keeping me steady. He wasn't pushing me away, though, keeping me against him. The air smelt of salt and something that came from the wood, a refreshing but tranquil scent. 

He brushed my hair to one side, revealing the skin of my neck. I watched the ocean hum and run against the sand, leaning back into his hold. 

My heart felt heavy, and my eyes were tingling with a knowing feeling. 

This was a moment to escape from the horrors we would face tomorrow. And the next day. And years after. 

But we would go together. 

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