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The sound of my heavy breathing was the only thing I heard over the ringing in the air. 

I was still standing, thankfully, and so was Zion. 

My body felt like it was stuck. All the blood has stopped flowing for a second before rushing to my head. 


I opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. 

The explosion wasn't big enough to hurt anyone, but the building did fully collapse. Smoke struck my senses, and I knew we had to leave. 

I glanced up at Zion, watching the expressions on his face fall in relief. He squeezed me closer to him, almost crushing the small dog in my arms. 

"You're fucking insane," he breathed out, sounding as if he wanted to murder me and hug me all at the same time. 

All I could do was smile sheepishly, knowing that no matter what I said, he still wouldn't be convinced of my reasoning. 

I could feel his pounding heart because of our proximity. Everything around us was thawing out, acting like we had been frozen in time. He was still breathing heavily, emotions soaring. 

The continuous tones in my ears evened out, but blaring silence still lingered in the air. 


We both turned to look in the direction of the voice, seeing one of Zion's men standing next to Liam. 

"We need to leave quickly. Threat chances are high!" Liam shouted from about thirty feet away. 

Zion nudged me in the direction of the car, trying to hurry back. 

Yes, I may have done something stupid, but I never asked him to follow me in there. 

I don't have much of a heart, but when it came to animals, I wouldn't stand for any neglect. 

"What's going to happen to that property?" 

Zion looks down at me like that was the last thing I should be worrying about. 

"How about we focus on getting away from the building that just blew up."


I breathe heavily, recovering from the half-mile I just ran chasing after the small dog. 

Who knew such little legs could move so damn fast...

"Are you trying to get me in trouble?!" I hissed under my breath. I scooped up the animal once he had finally slowed. He looked at me with those stupid puppy eyes as if he hadn't just given Zion another reason to dump him on the side of the road. 

We had been back at the house for a day now, planning and preparing for what was to come. In thirty-six hours, we would be ambushing my father at the warehouse he was hiding out at. This is causing everyone to be on edge. Some are more than ready to seek revenge, but others are contemplating even the slightest decisions. 

Zion had brought fifty men from New York, which adds onto the few hundred already here in Italy. Compared to the last-minute escape Alphonzo made, we were assuming we would have an advantage. 

But you could never be too careful. 

Zion was expecting anything and everything. 

He told me earlier, "Expect the worst, and you won't ever be unprepared."

It sounded kind of depressing, to be honest, but I see where he's getting at. In this life, there is no "unprepared". 

You're either prepared or dead. 

So, in conclusion, my dad doesn't stand a chance. 

"Raven, get your ass inside!"

I look over my shoulder at Cobra, who wasn't looking too happy. 

Hell, he never looks happy, but I have a feeling I fucked something up. 

"Coming!" I jog back towards the estate, Ezekial still standing by the garage with his arms crossed. 

I think I'm about to get scolded. 

"You do understand that we are about to start a war, right?" 

I nod, approaching him slowly now. The dog squirms in my arms. 

"And you're out here playing fetch with the mutt?" 

My lips part and I almost let a few choice words out of them. 

"Well, actually..."

"I don't care--" he cuts me off, "--Zion's been chewing my head off about finding you."

Oh? Zion's been looking for me?

Well, you should've just said that to begin with...

But I might still be in trouble. 

He grabs the back of my neck, dragging me forward. "You're an odd one, Zhara."


He walks me through the chaotic house until we approach what I assumed was an office. I can't keep up with these places anymore. Before opening the door, he gives me a look. 

"What?" I raise a brow, looking down at my clothes. A shirt I stole from Zion's side of the closet, and a pair of shorts that I found in a laundry basket. Do I really need to look presentable to see him? Zion's already seen me naked, it's nothing new...

"He'll strangle you if you step foot in there with the animal," Cobra eyes the sweet dog. 

What is it with the disrespect he has for my new pet?

"Is there something you have against dogs, Cobra?" I pat the german shepherd's small head.

Cobra narrows his eyes at me, giving me the silent treatment. 

"Can you watch him for me while I'm in there, then?" I nod towards the office door. 


"Please," I offer, "You said I can't go in there with him."


Cobra's stubborn, I guess. 

"Just for a little bit. I swear I'll be quick," I hold the dog out to him. He looks down at it for a short second, contemplating it. 

I nudge the dog towards him more, knowing this is annoying the shit out of him. 

"Fine," he caves, "Twenty minutes max."

I grin, "Fine, twenty minutes," I agree, letting Cobra take him as I turn toward the door. 

I stop before walking in, though, quickly glancing over my shoulder.

"If I find one hair on his head missing, I will disrespectfully kill your ass," I promise. He doesn't look convinced, but it's enough for him to walk away with my dog in his hands. 

I wonder what the Capo has to discuss with me. 

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