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The enemy is someone who should be resented to the highest and most detrimental level. Those words have been shoved down my throat for the last twenty-five years. One would think that by now I would understand the meaning of it thoroughly, and I did, all throughout my days, I did. But that was until she welcomed herself into my business, my family, and my fucking life. 

The damn girl irritated me. She irritated me to my own oblivion, and I couldn't even stop it. Every fucking time she opened her mouth, the most infuriating words would come from her goddamn lips. She knew it, too. 

I couldn't stop myself when I drank myself to hell, choked her out in her own room, sent her into a common enemy, and threw a glass at her head. But each time, something stopped me from fully finishing what my nerves and mind ached to do. 

And I dreaded the moment I would find out what that was. 

Zhara Di Maggio was a catch. A damn catch. 

I pull at my hair each time I am reminded of her existence, and it drives me insane. I just want to kill her, do damage, I guess, but then I have to remember what this is really for. But sometimes I let myself get relief and start my wishes, but immediately stop because of her purpose. Yes, I admit, she does kind of have a purpose. 

I watch the life fade from her face, her cheeks pale and those lips turn blue. I watch her break, over and over again. And I guess what gets at me the most is that she still lives...still breathes and walks and talks like she has never been hurt before. I just want to see her crumble, but I can't do that when she is able to hide her fucking emotions so well. 

The anger in my veins at this very moment is nothing compared to anything before, this time I wanted to chain her up and let everyone watch as I hurt her. I just want to hurt her. 

Her hypnotizing eyes mocking me as she looked over her shoulder, quickly retorting a comeback and waltzing away like she owns the damn place. The way the few words left her lips made me want to do things I had never thought of doing to a Di Maggio before. 

The only thing that kept me from fulfilling those thoughts was the fact that I had shit to do and people to order, and nothing was getting done with my father resting across the world. 

I sent Ezekial, the man who watched me almost crush her skull with glass, after her, telling him to take his time. I would need her back in my grasp by tonight, for many reasons. But until then, I had to get my shit together.


Adelaide assisted me as she placed the twins in my arms, mumbling assurances to the little ones. 

"Okay, we're all set. Thank you again for doing this, I know it's hard to get around this house by yourself," Adelaide said as she patted my shoulder and led me to the living room. 

"It's no problem, they can help me around," I smile, motioning toward the toddlers in my arms. Adelaide smiled and shook her head as we entered the wide, high-ceiling room. The white walls were decorated with silver linings sprouting in the corners. Most of the furniture was dark and warm-oaked, contrasting well with the large windows framed in the far wall. A TV hung over a fireplace. 

"Gio and I should be back sometime before dinner. Bye Omar, Bye Oscar," Adelaide kissed her kids on the cheek before waving to me, walking towards the chandelier-lit foyer. I waved back as well as I could having two children on me. I started walking towards the first couch near the windows, my mind was still wary of the topic I brought up this morning in Zion's office. 

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