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Zion couldn't help but stare at the woman sprawled on his chest. The woman he never thought he would get this attached to. 

Last night, she had kissed every scar on his body before they had fallen asleep. It was something he had never experienced before, and the feeling that came with it was just as unfamiliar. 

"You are so beautiful," she had told him, caressing the tattoo that covered his first bullet wound. She had asked for the story behind it, and he was more than okay with sharing. 

He would tell her anything she wanted to know—even the darkest moments of his life. 

He was shot first when he was 17. He had only had a small amount of training compared to his abilities now, so he couldn't blame his younger self for falling into the reckless situation. It had hurt like a bitch, and Zion passed out before he had made it to the house doctor. She then proceeded to ask if he had recovered well, and he calmed her nerves with assurance as if his presence in front of her didn't convince her that he survived. 

She had been curious about Matteo, but Zion knew that the answers were not his story to tell. 

"Is Matteo bothering you?" he had asked her, suddenly ready to scold his younger brother. 

She had shaken her head with a smile he couldn't shake from his memory. 

God, it was all he could think about. 

He didn't know when the switch flipped inside him, but it was as if all he could remember was being close to Zhara. Her body against his, his lips on hers. 

It was suffocating him in the best way possible. 

"I don't think I want to see Alphonzo," she mumbled as she traced circles on his chest. The morning glow in the windows filled the room. 

Zion brushed her hair out of her eyes, "I thought you would want a final explanation."

Zhara kissed his abdomen, "I thought so, too. But the more I think about it, the more I realize I don't care."

"Maybe that's the reason you should see him," Zion suggested, "Get the last word, let him know how you feel."

Zhara thought about it, and it made sense. Show him that he no longer had an effect on her. He didn't have a right to say anything to her, and she wanted to prove it. 

"You don't have to, Zhara," Zion assured, "Or you could go with your brothers when they arrive."

Oh, yes. Zhara remembered. 

Her family was coming, and part of her couldn't be happier. 

But the other part was nervous. 

"What about Adriano?" she whispered, her fingers halting against Zion's skin. 

"What about him?" Zion pulled her closer to him. His deep voice made her shiver. He brought the blanket up and around her body. 

"He obviously isn't a fan of me, so I doubt he's going to be any different with my brothers. Shit, especially Rowen," she sighs, thoughts jumping to all types of conclusions. 

"He won't do a goddamn thing, I promise you," Zion confirms, kissing Zhara's forehead. 

He was going to make sure of it. 


Zion had just finished the paperwork for the day when he walked into the living area, immediately spotting Zhara outside on the patio. She was sitting in the garden wearing a summer dress that shouldn't have looked as sinful as it did to Zion. 

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