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I'm trying to excuse my nervous pacing with my menstrual cycle. 

But then I remember that my period only comes when it wants to, and my birth control makes the schedule crazy. And speaking of birth control, when we get back to America, I have to go and get my IUD taken out. 

It seems that things have changed. And I haven't decided how to feel about it. When I finally explain everything to Zion, he'll most likely force me to go to some doctor he blackmailed into his business. 

And I don't want that. 

I'm running my hands across my dress, the smell of parsley and oregano flowing from the dish in the oven. 

Zion is back to being reserved, and I think it's because my brothers are arriving soon. I know this is hard for him, and I've actually tried to put myself in his shoes during these situations. 

But to be honest, that still doesn't give him a right to treat us as if we were the ones that committed the crimes our father did. 

"Why are you pacing?" Zion asks me, taking off his suit jacket. I'm distracted by his arms for a moment, but then I'm reminded of the situation. 

"I'm nervous," I whispered, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I hope I don't start sweating. Zion raises a brow at me. 

"The Golden Raven is nervous?" he mocks, "Why are you nervous?"

I roll my eyes, but I still find my feet leading me toward his embrace. "I didn't get to see them while I was in that hospital, it's just been a while. What if they don't want to see me? Or worse...What if they disown me?"

"Zhara, they wouldn't be coming if they didn't want to see you," Zion reassures me, looking at me as if I overreacted. He's probably right, but that doesn't make me feel any less anxious. I was more excited, I think. Maybe that was why my heart was beating so fast. 

Zion grabs my waist, pulling me against him. "They don't deserve you," he whispers against my lips. "They have wronged you so many times, yet you still forgive them."

I pressed my head to his chest, "They aren't as bad as you think, Zion. Even though we've all done bad things to each other, they were going through the same things I was."

He lets his palm rest on my lower half, and I narrow my eyes at him. He just smirks down at me. 

"Horny men," I scoff under my breath and walk away, only to feel a harsh slap against my ass. I spin around and Zion stands there innocently as if he didn't just spank me. 

Just as I was about to lecture him, the front door opened and a few of Zion's men came in. 

My lips parted as I saw who followed behind them. I didn't think this would ever happen. Ever since I had seen Ajax's signature on that contract that stated I was emancipated from that chaotic mess, I thought I would never get the chance to see my brothers again.

But as Koven's eyes meet mine from the foyer, all my fears disappear for a moment. A moment that I want to last forever. 

"Zhara," his voice is more breathless than I remember. My other half stares back at me from across the room. 

Zion nudges my back, setting my legs off toward my family. Ajax and Rowen and Hayden. They're here, too. And a woman. 

I throw myself into Koven's embrace, squeezing him near death. I hear his laugh, and it only makes me hug him tighter. 

"Don't kill him, Z," Hayden's calm voice is heard from beside me. I turn my head to him, his dark hair longer around his head. 

"God, I missed you guys," I exclaim, hugging Hayden more gently. He would probably never speak to me again if I squeezed him like I did Koven. 

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