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sorry for the short chapter//i've gotten hella busy lately, but it's all good. feel free to comment or vote or whateva. Share your opinion ;)


Zhara and Adelaide spun around the base-filled room, jumping and dancing to the vibrations that echoed through the floor and walls. They sang to the hypnotic lyrics in the euphoria-inducing song, mimicking each other with vocals and tones. Swinging their hair around, holding each other's hands, and matching body movements. 

The men perched by the entrance to the living room were watching humorously, enjoying the fact that the women were oblivious to them and their snickering. 

Adelaide swayed her hips toward Zhara, who was quick to grin and laugh whole-heartedly before doing the exact same thing. 

It was a sight to the men, Liam, Isaiah, Matteo, and Ezekial, plus their visiting allies, Rico and Santiago. 

Zhara threw her head back, her jaw stretching from the wide smile on her face as she repeated the lyrics to whatever song Adelaide put on the loud surround-sound system speaker. Her hair flung down below her waist, waving and flowing as she shook her head to the words. 

And in this certain moment, the past that brought her here didn't exist, and her only worries in life were trying to keep herself on her feet as she danced with her new friend. 

Maybe that was a dream for a part of her, but there was always a reality. But this was a chance to get out of that certain realism, a break from the dreaded truth. 

Adelaide spun one of the twins around like Zhara had done this morning, and they laughed and shrieked over the underlying excuses that flooded Zhara's mind this afternoon. 

The two girls pointed at each other as they sang out loud, pretending and imagining a life they knew they would never be born into. 

"What's the music fo-" Zion cut himself off as he approached the five men ironically stationed in a discrete spot near the hallway. His brows furrowed at the women, each one having a completely different meaning in his world. 

Liam looked over his shoulder at his boss with a smirk and kept in a chuckle at the look on Zion's face. 

"What are they doing?" Zion questioned no one in particular, confused on why his sister and his enemy were getting along so easily. 

"Why does she look so..." Isaiah trailed off, staring intently at the female assassin. 

"Happy?" Rico finished for him, and something like an angered hint laid behind his words. Isaiah frowned slightly, but nodded anyway. Zion's eyes narrowed at the back of Rico's head, but he stayed silent and instead continued watching as the women embraced each other, something he hadn't done with his own sister in years. 

Dinner had been quick and forced, no one spoke, not even his sister's children. He was barely there in his mind to notice anything wrong with Zhara. If there even was anything wrong with her...Who was he kidding, though?

"Shoot, It's almost eight-thirty..." Zhara looked at the clock before looking back at Adelaide, "I gotta go now. Give Gio my best wishes with his promotion."

Ezekial's lips twitched. 

Adelaide nodded and thanked Zhara after sharing those few minutes of joy with her, waving goodbye as well. 

Zhara hurried towards the stairs, completely unaware of Zion's speculating gaze on her. He knew they had a meeting at nine, but what was so important right now?

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