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(sorry these are short. I'm falling a little behind because of school, sports, etc. But I'm trying to get these chapters written to the best of my ability and that takes time. I might miss a few of the future updates, so don't get too upset, bare with me pls.)

(also feel free to share your opinion, it is very helpful when I get feedback!)

"Kill him," Zion ordered, watching the beautiful girl die in front of him. He knew who had shot her, and he knew what he was doing when he wanted the person dead.

Another shot went off, and Zion had turned just in time to get Xavier's blood splattered on the side of his face. 

Liam said a silent prayer for his friend's soul as he lowered the gun he had used to kill the man. 

Sobbing finally registered itself in his brain, and he realized just what had gone wrong. Leiah Rehanna was screaming and crying from her spot in the chair, thrashing and kicking at it like it was someone holding her still. 

It reminded him too much of what he had seen four years ago. 

Inan was quick to cut all of their ties, almost getting attacked in the process. 

Zion watched as all four of her relatives raced toward her body, shouting and yelling at the world and how evil it was. 

He knew her brothers would be arriving in a few minutes, he was more than aware. 

He had ordered Flynn to write the note that day, and he had ordered it to be placed with the necklace as well. He knew they would figure it out eventually, they were smart. 

They could finally know the truth and be able to find it out themselves. 

Looking over his shoulder at the men in waiting, he watched Inan punch the wall, Isaiah lower his head, and Ren turn away from the scene. 

Matteo walked up to his brother, ready to speak some type of comforting speech about how it wasn't his fault or about how Xavier went out of the plan. 

"No," Zion shook his head, stopping Matteo from even opening his mouth. 

Matteo sighed, not knowing how to console his brother in a situation like this. Did Zion really get used to her presence that quick? 

"What's she saying?" he heard the cousin ask, and Zion's attention went back over to the girl. 

She was still alive. 

Zion walked over on his own accord, not realizing his subconsciousness was that curious. Crouching down near the family, they gave him space and backed away from their Don, knowing that it wasn't necessarily his fault. 

The Golden Raven girl kept her eyes open long enough to see him one last time, and somehow that was more of a validation than he had ever had in his mind. 

"I don't..." her breathing was slower, too slow, "want to die anymore, Zion," she gasped out, letting out a sob as her dress continued turning red. She reached out for Zion, so he grasped her body and pushed her back up so she could breathe better. 

"I know," was all he could let out, afraid his true feelings would reveal themselves in the last moment. He had no right. Not anymore. 

"Thank you," she was quiet when she admitted it. 

"For what?" he barely whispered. He was more than shocked, letting her speak as he squeezed her hand. 

"For letting me die on this day," she leaned her head all the way back, grimacing as she attempted to keep breathing. 

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