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Zion Armani's eyes darkened when the small figure of the girl walked out from behind his right-hand man, her body covered by a robe they supplied in her closet. He could practically hear the thoughts of the men standing around the room and sitting on the office chairs, they were unpure as their eyes latched onto the scowling woman. 

She trailed her eyes over the men in the room, then snapped her head in Zion's direction. She was still angry about him trying to hit her. The remainder of last night's punches ached around her face and her recovering thigh felt weak as she stood with her head held high. Admirable confidence. 

She was slightly worried when she realized Flynn wasn't around at the moment, and her mind immediately resulted to her memorization of faces when she matched them to the men inside. This office was huge, and there was room for at least three times as many men. Ren Coste leaned on the wall on the right by the shelf with many books, piquing her interest. Isaiah Bianco sat widely on the leather chair on the opposite side of the room near the whiskey bottle and tray of glasses, a stupid smirk playing on his face. Xavier Kahandi sat in the chair next to Isaiah, focused on the white bandage around her thigh, the gaze making her uncomfortable. Liam Russo sat in front of the desk on the couch by the glass coffee table with a few files and work documents lying on it. Zion leaned back on the edge of his desk, casually clenching the ledge of the dark wooden furniture. 

Her eyes narrowed at Zion, pupils dilating due to the work lamp that was lit on the desk, which was different from the dark room she was recently in. 

She was also fully convinced these men lived in suits. What an uncomfortable attire...

"I apologize if I woke you," Zion smirked. She blinked twice before finding the composure to speak. Zion Armani apologizing? Tell her another joke. 

"Sure," she seethed, raising her eyebrows for a quick second. She watched as Inan walked towards the couch and sat down by Liam, leaving her standing alone, all the men staring at her. Something about Inan standing near her kept her from shaking, but now she was trying to stay standing. 

His smirk faded and he pushed himself off the desk, standing up straight and practically causing her knees to buckle when he stood to his full height. He was trying to intimidate her, and it was working. 

"Sit," he ordered, bossing her around like a dog. She sneered to herself and looked around, seeing the chair across from the couch was empty. She took a step towards the chair, but another idiot had to open his mouth. 

"I'm sure my lap would be more comfortable," Isaiah boasted, winking at her with the same cocky smirk. Her head snapped up and she clenched her fists, stopping immediately as her body visibly tensed. Her lips quirked upwards at the thought of pissing off every other guy in here and proving the other assassin wrong, and she was never one to pass up an opportunity to make someone mad. She shrugged to herself and walked right around the chair, staring straight at Isaiah the entire time. She couldn't deny, he was attractive, hell, every male in here was attractive, but she wanted to beat him at his own game. 

Feeling the daring eyes of everyone in the room on her, she smirked down at Isaiah Bianco and watched as his eyes widened as she sat on his thigh, crossing her legs so they rested in between his knees, her back leaning on his shoulder. 

He wasn't completely wrong when he said it would be comfortable. She felt his hand trail up to her waist, keeping her in place, almost making her regret her decision. 

She crossed her arms and looked back over to Zion, seeing his hands clenched in fists and his jaw clench repeatedly. 

"Go on," she swaggered, wanting to see him snap again. Maybe he would actually hit her this time, it would most likely give her the motivation she needed to shoot him. 

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