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(hope you guys had a good Christmas <3. And happy new year! I'm having an existential crisis because it's almost 2022. like wtf)


I push myself up, carefully pulling him out of me. I'm sore all over, taking my time as I turn to look at him. He pushes himself up as well, taking me with him as he moves. I wrap my arms around his neck, quickly turning around so he doesn't drop me as he stands. He takes a second to dispose of the condom, then looks down at me as he walks us into another part of the room. I'd assume it's the bathroom, but I'm honestly too out of it to realize what's going on. 

His strong arms caged me close to him as he flipped on the light in the bathroom, illuminating the black marble walls. 


I suddenly love being twenty-one.

He sets me on the sink counter, and I frown at the coolness it gives my skin. 

"You're going to have to clean where I'm sitting now."

His back is turned, but I just know the expression he's making.

"Why is that, Zhara?" he asks, running the bath, hopefully for the both of us.

I wait until he turns to me to speak. He understood what I was doing, deciding to finally give me attention. Once he does, I glance down at his dick, which is still hard. This man is insane...

"My cum is dripping down my legs," I uncross my legs, teasing him. He looks between my thighs, then back up at me with hooded eyes. 

"Am I supposed to be angry about you saying that?" 

I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the mirror. It wasn't my problem. 

He smirks, making his way over to me. 

"I still hate you," I whisper to him. He shakes his head, pulling me off the counter. I wrap my arms around him as he softly drops me into the warm water, being way too gentle for my liking. 

What the fuck happened to make him all nice? I knew I had good pussy, but I didn't know it was good enough to brainwash the males...

"I know you do."

My tense muscles ease up when the water hits my skin. I let relaxation overtake my body, but I still look back up at Zion. 

"Are you going to join me or just keep staring?"

He glares at me, but gets in anyway, sinking in behind me. I lean back as his arms pull me closer, letting my head rest on his chest. 

"Do you feel okay?"

I raise my eyebrows, a little shocked he asked. 

"Yeah, just a little sore," I nod as he caresses my skin. If he keeps touching me like that, we may have to do what we did all over again. 

I don't know if my body can take another round...

"Happy Birthday, Zhara," he whispered down to my ear, making me smile.

"Thank you, Zion."

This felt a bit too intimate, but he didn't seem to mind, so I wasn't going to stop it. 

I had no idea what this meant for us now. If there even was an "us". I don't think he could ever love me like I could love him, and a part of me would settle with that. I know I can't do that to myself, though. One day I'm really going to fall for him completely, and he's not going to give me what I need. And it's not like that's his fault. In a way, maybe it was just how he was taught to be. Maybe he was taught that love wasn't good, just like I was. 

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