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The cool air of the pitch-black night kissed her face as she sprinted, practically molding herself into the brick wall beside her. She was faster than wind at this point, and damn, were those men inside impressed. Her thigh stung a bit, but nothing she couldn't handle. She had to run for a quarter-mile. Easy. 

She snuck past the guards who were switching, trying to go unnoticed, and she didn't see the mark or the red and white band around their arms. She kept her pace up and her breathing quiet but steady as she ran past them and turned the corner. 

"Keep going straight, you'll see the light flashing," Ren said through her earpiece, sounding almost electronic in her mind. 

"We'll be able to disable the lights for four minutes. Like I said, you have to be done by the time the lights start flashing again," he also said, distracting her from the running. She looked up into the dark, and exactly like Ren advised, the bright, white light flashed on the three levels of the tower. At least she wouldn't have to go all the way up, just to the first level. It looked to be about twenty feet up, so the drop wouldn't kill her, but most likely paralyze her. 

Her arms pumped with each quick stride, she looked like a dark, mystic lightning strike through the alleyways. 

She was getting closer, really close, actually. Her heart was in her throat at this point, and she spotted a few of the friendly guys around, making her feel a little safer. 

She had made it to the tower in only two minutes, and she readied her legs to give her a boost to make it up to the first bar she was able to climb.

She jumped with complete silence and grace, her hair flowing back behind her, giving her more of a flying feeling. She latched onto the first bar with one hand and swung her feet up to balance on the thin, metal pole beneath her. The tower was a bit different, almost like a large pyramid that stayed thin all the way up. 

She climbed up faster than she had climbed anything before, knowing her four minutes had already started. Her mind jumped back to her rope-climbing training, all the countless nights she would stay up trying to please her father. She shoved the memories away and focused on the cool metal she had under her hands and feet, staying quiet with each new level she reached. 

She finally got to the first tier and recognized the satellites, knowing she had to move in between two to balance herself. She spotted the large black case that was zip-tied, yes, fucking zip-tied, to the metal pole that branched off the energy source. She held back a scoff at the stupid attempt of securing the tracker as she hoisted herself up into the open spot so she could lean back on the metal rod beside the energy source. 

"Good, now cut the ties and open the case," Ren ordered, to which Zhara unlatched the first part of her wiring tool kit at her waistband. It hung tightly from the loop, much to her appreciation, she didn't want the thing flying down to the ground before she even had a chance to destroy the tracker. She cut the zip-ties and flipped the latch on the black case, opening it up to reveal a shit ton of wires and buttons. There was a small piece of tape on the small door of the case, and she expected that to be needed later.

She threw her leg over the bar in between the satellite and the case, wanting to be able to lean her injured leg on something to keep balance. Her boots came in handy for this. 

"You see the top left blue wire? Cut that in the direct middle," Ren's voice echoed in her ear, and she grabbed the wire cutters and angled the tool right where he told her to and snipped. 

"Good, now check for any sparks at the energy input before cutting the one directly under that," he said, and she looked around the black case to see the cord that led to the energy source. It sparked once, so she brought a finger up to press down on the earpiece. 

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