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Zhara had enough of this shit. 

She gasped as she stood up after Brèan had purposely spilled the water on her white, silk halter top under her jacket, and she was trying not to shoot this bitch in between her stupid eyes. 

She hurriedly tugged her jacket off to make sure it didn't get wet and laid it on the back of her chair. She turned towards Brèan with a very fake smile on her face, trying to contain herself as her shirt started sticking to her chest uncomfortably. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't see you there," Brèan fakely batted her crusty eyelashes at Zhara and leaned over to shove her breasts in Isaiah's face, who was surprisingly looking like he did not enjoy the personal show. 

"It's perfectly fine," Zhara gritted out before sitting back down in her chair and scooting it up and away from this crazy bitch. 

Before anyone could speak, the chef came in with their food. Zhara had to shove her order down Brèan's throat so she would actually write it down earlier. Hungry and angry Zhara did not mix well. Her hand was aching to latch onto her knife, and she was repeatedly tapping the hilt of it as it rested in its holder. She looked down at her soaked shirt and realized that a white shirt was a bad idea because now her bra was on a perfect show for the seven men at the table. 

Her face went red and she propped her elbows upon the table, hopefully blocking what was mostly revealed. Heat flushed her neck and raided her cheeks stupidly, and she felt really embarrassed. Yeah, she was confident in her body, but this was not something she was comfortable with, especially in front of a bunch of men who hated her. 

Her food was placed down in front of her, and she had suddenly lost her appetite. Sure, the pettiness of the menu shit was funny, but this was just downright childish because Zhara knew that Brèan planned this. 

"What a bitch," she muttered after Brèan and the chef had walked away. She was glad she was sitting far away from Zion, he had already caused her enough humiliation today. She picked at her pasta with her fork, not really knowing what to do now. 


After that unnecessary dinner experience, Zhara was sitting on the couch in the living room with Flynn, Adelaide and her husband. The fire cracked and sparked inside the fireplace, which was the only source of light in the dark room. Zhara stared intently at the fire, using it the same way she used the candle earlier. 

She didn't know what she was feeling right now. She just felt really lost. 

"I heard you did your mission perfectly," Flynn mumbled as she leaned on his shoulder. She rolled her eyes and looked up at him. 

"Did they also tell you that your Capo tried to send me to my own death?" she scoffed, looking back towards the fire. Flynn tensed under her, but she knew he already found out from one of the men. She honestly couldn't give a shit whether or not they wanted her dead, it wouldn't be something new to her. 

Adelaide's husband was pretty chill, she had introduced Zhara to him earlier. He was one of Zion's closest bodyguards, Gio, captain of security, apparently. He didn't seem to hate Zhara very much, probably because she was the only other woman here who wasn't half-naked all the time. 

"I'm kidding, Flynn. It's not like this is the first time," she smacked his arm, hoping he wouldn't be too mad at her for bringing it up. He looked down at her with a frown. 

"You won't have another mission until you get your stitches out, I got them to agree with me on that," he told her, running a hand through his messy hair. She sat up and gaped at him. 

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