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My eyes burned with each step I took toward the room I was settled in when I first got here. The hallway seemed to get longer and longer after every second. 

I barely trusted Inan's words, but if there was any chance what he said was true, I would take it in a heartbeat. 

"They got word of your cousins' arrival in the city, if you can act civil until tomorrow evening, then we will take you to see them and figure out how they can help us."

I hadn't seen or heard of my cousins since my mother's funeral, and I'm sure they would jump to the opportunity to go against my father for what he did to get their biological aunt killed. 

First, we have Leiah, my mother's sister, who was also the craziest but most amazing bitch I know. She works back and forth from Italy to South America, keeping the cartels in line and running things with her husband's side of the family, too. She had almost killed my father right after word got out about my mother if it weren't for the stupid alliance...that also just so happened to break with the finalized widowship of my father, if that's what you wanna call it. 

The only thing keeping my mother's side of the family from pouncing on my father was, well, my mother. 

Second, we have Estazia, or Ester for short, the first-born daughter of Leiah and the heiress of the Rehanna family business. She was definitely my favorite. Because she was just a year younger than me, we were able to get along very well in our childhood. She was just as much of a badass as her mother. 

Third, Ester's younger brother, Lalo, is basically a genius. One of the smartest kids I know, surpassing an IQ of 152 at seventeen. He is just as charming as his father, which leads us to the great Alejandro Rehanna, who took his wife's last name out of spite towards his own family that never believed in him or his talent. 

But he also did it because he adores Leiah to an extent I can't even comprehend. 

Known for being the retired sniper, Uncle Alejandro gave up his chance at becoming a paid assassin for an underground-ran base somewhere in Europe to be with his wife instead. And that's why I adore him so much. I'm usually not a sucker for love stories, but their stupidly cute fairytale is admirable and iconic. 

So the fact that the Armani's found a way to get in contact with them was hard to comprehend in my mind. But if they actually pulled this off, I will rethink my whole 'let's-bomb-the-Armani's-because-i-hate-them-and-their-stupid-amazing-Italian-genes' thing. 

But of course, I would never tell any of them that I did. 

They can keep thinking I hate them, maybe it will keep em' on their toes. 

I walked into my room with cautious movements, not knowing whatever shit they might have done to this place just in case I had gotten out of their little trap...

Speaking of that night he locked me in the cell, I still did not know how to feel about the way he...


I shook my head to myself as I made my way over to the bathroom, wanting to wash all the dirt and blood off me from the last few days. 

I'm also surprised that they didn't confront me about the little double homicide I pulled outside of the basement. I'll be expecting a scolding from Zion about that tomorrow if he doesn't already know about it. 

I mean, what did they expect? 

A simple break out, just a tiny little exit? 

Fuck no. 

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