Chapter 50

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The next week sped off as quickly as it came. Much to Oma's disappointment, Obi and Nathi seemed to have gotten closer than ever. Obi had obviously not heeded her advice and she never bothered to ask how they came to be.
Seeing them together made her stomach churn; and she saw them throughout half of everyday.
They all read together anyway, two of them oblivious to her conflicting feelings which even she couldn't grasp. The days ran into the next, exams came and went, every moment spent with them made her feel more and more like a third wheel.

She spent most nights with Asher. He was like home to her. She tried to think of him each time the feeling of being of being a third wheel came around, and although it didn't work, she took solace in the fact she'd see him later at night.
Each day, after an exam or a simple revision with Obi and Nathi, Asher would usually pick her up in his car or if he was too busy, she'd get herself there. It was usually late so when eventually night came, they'd be too exhausted to get intimate. It was just like what a boring married couple would do. After working all day, the only time they had to rest was at night and when it came they would just nod at each other or complain about their day, before the waves of sleep carried them.

She couldn't recall the last time they'd had sex. In all honesty, she didn't miss it so much. The things that'd once excited her before no longer excited her anymore.

So that was their routine and the cycle continued.


Oma decided to go back to her hostel the next Saturday. Asa was so excited to see her but playfully kicked her for being away for a whole week. Oma smiled and hugged her in return. But Asa didn't drop it even after Oma explained she had to spend time with Asher after their little break. It was almost as if she knew her true reasons.

Oma sighed satisfactorily as she flopped on her bed. She'd missed her room so much. She'd gotten so accustomed to Asher's big fluffy bed that her own smaller strong foam felt strange. She still missed it anyway.
At least her uncomfortable bed didn't let her oversleep.

"When did you become so neat?" She asked Asa after noticing how tidy their room was. "Was it my presence that made you so lazy before?"

Both their beds were perfectly made and the floors and windows looked freshly washed. There was only one person they both knew, who was so obsessed with cleanliness.

"Femi has been around." Asa affirmed her thoughts. She looked at her uncertainly. "I hope you're not angry. She's been sleeping here for the past week, on your bed."

Femi came around minutes after. She didn't seem so excited to see Oma but it really wasn't a big deal. She was only gone for a week!

"So you've been sleeping on my bed!" Oma gritted, feigning annoyance. Unfortunately, Femi didn't know she was joking.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd be angry...I washed the sheets, I..."

"I was joking." Oma said, laughing. Femi kicked her playfully, but it hurt like hell. The only thing that made her believe it was a playful kick was that Femi was laughing when she did it.

"You people don't have any food left. Someone has to follow me to the market." Femi said, after they'd caught up on the latest. Oma cringed. She'd just come back! If she'd known something like this would happen, she'd have just stayed with Asher.

"Oma. I've never gone with you before." Femi smirked. She'd seen her cringe and she just wanted to make it worse.

"Can't we just buy food from a canteen as we've been doing before?"
Oma countered. The last thing she wanted was the hustling, bustling, and noise the local market brought. The last time she'd gone there, she'd been insulted by three different people and her phone got stolen.
Femi preferred that to any big supermarket. She said their products were more expensive and unhealthy. Oma wondered why she couldn't just go alone.

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