chapter 24

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The ride around Abuja with Asher was quiet and peacefully blissful. She saw the city in its full glory, it was more beautiful than she imagined. The national mosque, Jabi lake mall, Dunes center all screamed sophistication with minimal effort. They'd gone into the Nike Art gallery which was the most exquisite gallery she'd ever visited- she'd never been to a gallery before anyway. She squealed and mused with glee at each site which earned her amused looks from Asher. Although born into wealth, Oma had never really seen the outside world besides her home and school.

After having a few drinks and some food at a restaurant Oma was more carefree than she'd ever been. Everything was more exciting and beautiful to her.

"I've never seen you like this. I think I'm in love with this side of you." Asher said after she began dancing to the restaurant music even when everyone else was seated.
"This part of you that's not afraid of what anyone thinks. "

When it got darker, Asher drove them to a park, a flower themed sparse of land which was littered with quite a few people.
They lay on the green grass together to watch the sunset. Somber music played from his car which strangely blended perfectly with the sound of crickets and frogs beginning to find their mates. She turned to him and smiled.

She'd found her mate.

They lay there for moments in comfortable silence, both in tune with each other.

"You're so beautiful."

She turned and sure enough, he was looking at her and probably had been for who knew how long.
He placed his palm in hers and she shut her eyes, revelling in how soft his palm was and how perfectly it felt in hers.

"I feel so close to you right now." She said, meaning it. He didn't say anything for moments but he didn't have to. She knew he felt the same way.

She realized that for the first time in years, she was actually...happy.

"So talk to me." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" She asked, opening her eyes.

"Today." He began. "You were so free, so comfortable with yourself, with me."

"I was drunk..."

"I ordered the drinks. None of it was alcoholic. I made sure of it."

She felt the same way she'd felt when the guy at the party had told her the drinks weren't free. Confusion.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not. Have you never been drunk before?" He was massaging her fingers now and with the cool evening breeze, the gesture was so pleasurable.

"I want to know who Oma really is. Something happened. I want to know. I want to help you."

She shut her eyes again and began to think. She was quite young, but she'd gone through more than she should have.

As thoughts of Dan, her pregnancy,  Phil and her new school, memories months of therapy had tried to salvage, painful memories she'd sworn to leave in her past began to flood her mind, she couldn't stop the tears as they cascaded down her face.

Asher looked terrified. He held her and tried to shush her.
"You don't need to tell me. I'm so sorry for asking..."

"You deserve to know." She sniffed.
"My mum Nia, she's a terrible person..."


When Oma woke up, she didn't know what time it was or how long she'd slept for. She stared in confusion at the night sky looming with stars and satellites and slowly, memories of how she'd got here came back to her. She felt some pressure on her lower abdomen and felt around for the cause of it. It was Asher's forearm holding her steady as if afraid she would slip from his grip.

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