chapter 19

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"But I have to tell you something." Amara persisted.

She looked different. She was taller, a lot fairer, fatter. There was a mark on her face, that ran diagonally from her forehead, across her eye to her left cheek. That was probably why she put on a face cap, although it didn't really hide much.

Oma didn't want to listen. She wasn't exactly having a nice time, but she was comfortable and she wasn't ready to meet anyone from her past, most especially not the A-1. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd ever thought of them.
She looked at Amara. This girl definitely adored their little group. Made them appear extremely dangerous and capable of killing someone when in fact, the only thing they'd done to her was make her clean a toilet. That had been gross but it still wasn't as big a deal. Maybe they'd have done worse if she hadn't gotten pregnant and had to change schools.

"Ok." Oma sighed. "What do you want?" She crossed an arm over the other and pushed one foot forward - the perfect stance of someone who was out of patience.

"Let's find somewhere to sit. I have a lot to say." She said, looking around for a cool spot. "Besides we have a lot to catch up on, seeing as we're now in the same school and all."

"Yeah. Whatever. Let's just get this over with!"

They found a spot in an empty lecture hall.

"How are you? It's been long. How is university life treating you?" Amara began, smiling and seriously waiting for an answer. Oma glared at her.

"I don't have time for all that rubbish you want to start. We were never friends so don't act as if we ever were. Just tell me what you wanted to tell me so I can go away!"
The look on Amara's face was very satisfactory.

"I was hoping we could put behind all that unnecessary animosity between us back when we were in school. I wasn't myself. I was so afraid of them. Of what they would do if they found me talking to someone else. You won't possibly understand because you weren't directly involved."
She said this with a crestfallen face that actually seemed real. But Oma didn't believe her. This girl was an actress. She'd seemed like the only meaningful one in the group but somehow managed to be the one on every single boy's body count list.
She remembered how Amara had come over, twice to talk to her. Those two times she'd been free and normal, but immediately switched. What made her think she could just fall for it again.

"I know you don't believe me, but please do. That whole A-1 thing is behind us now. I'm a free person and so are you. When I found out you are also schooling here, I was scared and I tried to avoid you. But I figured I owed you an explanation at least. I feel guilty because of what we put you through, so I've decided to come clean."

"What did you put me through?" Oma asked sarcastically. "You mean the toilet I had to wash? You people think you're big girls and all that nonsense, but you really couldn't and still can't do more than a dead fly."

"Did you ever ask yourself how you managed to get pregnant?"
Amara said out of nowhere.

She felt her eyes literally popped out. They began to throb, alongside her head and chest. She felt a cough come from her chest and it lodged in her throat, momentarily making her choke. Her eyes watered and she couldn't breathe. They had something to do with that!

Amara patted her back in a feeble attempt to stop her panic attack. She actually seemed concerned. Oma couldn't take it. She tried to push Amara's hand off her but fell in the process.

"You're devils! And you're coming here to act like you care, like you're the mature one. Just get out. I don't even know why I bothered listening to you!" She screamed and began to bolt out of the hall.

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