chapter 30

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NB: This chapter contains a bit of Mature Audience scene. Viewer discretion is advised.

As if on cue, droplets of rain began to fall, doubling every second. Asher held her arm firmly, leaving her hopping behind him till he stopped in front of his car. He opened the passenger side door and put her in it and she obliged, mostly because she didn't have the energy to fight him.

The ride to his lodge was quiet except for the musical tapping of rain on the roof of his car which she was thankful for. She sat with her hands crossed together staring out into the almost dark but busy pathway to his house. He didn't say anything either. He controlled the wheel with one hand while the other one remained on the gear.

Through the peaceful ride, Oma's mind raced. What was she doing going with him to his house? She had a test tomorrow for God's sake.
But that wasn't really her problem.

Two different people had told her in one night she judged too much. That didn't make any sense! If there was anyone who knew what it was like to be judged, it was her. Why then would she go around judging others? It made no sense whatsoever.

She snuck a look at Asher. She knew he knew she was looking at him because his chin and his grip on the wheel tightened. He had a big frown on his face which she'd never seen before.

She realized she'd never really seen him angry before. He was always trying to please her, she thought. Did she even know the real him?
She'd actually only known him for less than three months, within which she'd only seen him three quarters of the total time. This was just like Dan all over again, she thought.

And just this night she'd wanted desperately to jump into bed with him.

She humphed and he glanced at her. She turned her face immediately, feeling self conscious all over again.

Something didn't feel right about him.

Especially this night.

He'd explained to her but it still didn't make any sense. He actually said it wasn't her business. How low...

She liked him because he was handsome. She enjoyed being with him. But they didn't ever have to talk for a long time. He was older than her and from past experiences, she was always self-conscious around people who were older, no matter who they were.

She looked at the road in front of her. They were nearing home. Did she just say home?

Something Nathi had said...

"Where's Nathi?" She asked.

"I don't know." He said as her turned to the last road to his house.

"Does she know about our test tomorrow?"

"I don't know." He said again without looking at her. She consoled herself by saying he needed to see the road. As if.
She didn't push it any further.

He killed the engine once he had parked right in front of his bungalow lodge. He came down and so did she.
He walked straight to the door and put his keys in. She trailed quietly behind him just like she'd been doing before, except this time he wasn't holding her hand.

She got in behind him and sat on the bed, saying nothing. She suddenly felt chilly and she used her hands as a make shift blanket. Who sent her to wear light clothes this night.

He took off his shirt and hung it on the dresser. When he began to take off his trousers, she looked somewhere else.
He got into the bathroom and she heaved a breath.

Being alone in the room, she was left with her thoughts once again. She wondered if Nathi even knew they were having a test that day. Just to be safe, she texted her about it. She laughed at herself. If Nathi didn't know they were having a test that day, what good would her text at midnight do? Well hopefully she'd show up at least. Why was she even thinking so much about Nathi anyway?

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