Chapter 47

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She was partying again. It'd been so long ago. She missed this. Rocking random men who probably never had a chance with her and making her way to be the center of attention.
That was never difficult for her.
What was actually difficult was making people not notice her. With skin that shone so bright, curves that accentuated the right places, dance moves that aroused the impotent, only the dead couldn't notice her.

She remembered years ago when she'd always been called "yellow" "pawpaw". Those names that demeaned her. Years ago, she'd been insecure about her skinny size before puberty had hit her so hard she was irrecognizable. If only those people could see her now, they'd chew their heads off to be noticed by her. Too bad they were all the way back in South Africa probably leading boring lives.

She enjoyed the attention, craved it. As she danced her life away, everyone else seemed to be into her. All the fresher's standing around who were either too shy to actually dance or just lame had their eyes fixed on her as she chose to dance with anyone who seemed the least interested. But there was one boy who didn't seem interested. He was just sitting and sipping a drink, watching that black girl, Asher was also interested in. What was it about her?

But he was the one she was interested in. Obi was his name. She'd heard good things about him, really good things. She'd heard him speak and although he wasn't exactly her type, she found herself getting drawn to him. All that was worthless as he didn't seem to even know she existed.

She had an idea. Maybe if she danced with the dark girl he kept staring at. Oma ; yes that was her name, then he'd also have to notice her.
It worked! But he still wasn't looking at her exactly. His eyes were still trained on the girl. Her blood boiled. She knew she could get any guy she wanted and yet the only one she was vaguely interested in had to be into someone else.
She needed a drink.

The familiar bartender served her as usual. Free drinks. Who could refuse those? After three glasses, she felt the energy bursting through her.

She waltzed zig zaggedly to the dancefloor after making the first biggest mistake for the night...

Nathi jolted awake, breathing heavily. She had a splitting headache but it wasn't from drinking ; she hadn't taken any alcohol.
Her thighs rubbed each other and she realized there was no clothing between them. She froze. All this seemed familiar. She felt the rest of her body. Sure enough, she was naked.

She felt a hand on her breast and just when she was about to scream, the voice asked her.
"Are you okay?"

He switched on the light beside them and his sleepy eyes lingered on her breasts before settling on her face.
"What happened?" He asked, pulling their blanket over his unclad crotch.

"I had a dream." She said when she realised what was going on. This wasn't the first dream like this she'd had, but this one had been the most vivid. It was just a rerun of their first party as first year students- the one she'd thrown.

"What happened?" He asked as he lay back down.

"It's about that party. That night when we first...uhm..."

"I remember." He said and his eyes left her face again.

"I've been dreaming about parties I've attended. That bartender. He's always in all of them." Her face squeezed with worry.

"Since when?"

"Weeks now. I've had up to four dreams of things that never happened." She said.

She could never tell him what the other dreams were about. That bartender. He was always doing things to her, disgusting sexual things. She had never fancied him, so having wet dreams about him didn't make any sense. 

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