chapter 59

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Femi was in tears when she saw Asa. She hugged her like a mother and apologized for not having gone there everyday to meet her.

It was understandable. Femi had begun to cook professionally, under one of the most popular caterers in Abuja. She was a natural and before long she'd begun to get paid. However, this meant she didn't have time outside school hours.

Asa didn't seem to mind. In fact, she seemed to enjoy the attention everyone was giving her. Their room was completely full with people who'd come to check on her, some with gifts. Luckily, she'd worn long sleeves that covered the bandages on her wrists, so no one suspected any foul play.

Asa was grateful when Oma told her about her mother's invitation. She was nervous but excited. She decided to spend the night with Femi because apparently, she was going to be with Oma throughout the holidays and she was very boring. Unlike Oma, Femi's roommates liked Asa and she could speak Hausa like a native. Oma didn't mind the accusation. At least she'd stay with Obi for as long as she could, rest assured Asa was in safe hands and under watchful eyes.

Sunday came and went without Asher calling her, not like she was even going to pick it. Nathi hadn't called Obi either and despite her outright dislike for them, she was worried. She went to church with Obi and after then they went out. He finally took pictures of her, in public which was terrifying for her at first in the ridiculously outrageous outfit he'd picked for the photoshoot but after much convincing and reminding of not bothering with people's opinions, she finally settled in and before long, she was striking poses like a model.
Days after, the picture blew up with people wondering if her skin colour had been photoshopped.

They spent the next few days together, from his lodge to his favorite places in Abuja. He'd taken her to Enigma, his father's company and she came face to face with the man who'd raised him. He was just as simple looking as his son, with the most basic clothes, he could have easily been mistaken for a mere worker. He was very warm and when Oma introduced herself as Nia's daughter and he even began to matchmake her for his son.

Obi and Oma hadn't stated their relationship. They were just... going with the flow. It wasn't important. As long as they both knew what they wanted.

When he drove her to the airport, she almost cried in his arms. Asa knowingly gave them some space.

"I'm going to miss you." He said and she only hiccupped in response. She didn't know why she was crying. They'd call each other everyday and besides, they still had the rest of their stay to be together.

They stayed together for a long time in each other's arms not ready to let go. Anything could happen, she thought. They could go on from there to have the most blissful relationship, have a lot of babies and grow old together or they could even just return the next semester and realize they didn't even really like each other, break up and never speak again.
But right now, she was with him and was going to miss him. That was all that mattered.

There was a knock on the window.
"Oga, madam. E don do. The plane will soon leave!"
Asa had grown impatient.

With Asa still glaring at them, Oma pulled him forward and kissed him deeply.

If this was how things would be from now onwards, she'd never complain a day in her life.


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