chapter 21

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The next morning was very cold. There was a strong mist outside but even in the mist she could tell there was no one outside.
She sipped tea she'd made with the water she boiled with Asa's stove and watched videos under the cocoon she made with blankets.

She didn't even feel like going to class. From Asher not calling her to Obi completely ignoring her, she didn't feel like meeting anyone. Besides, from what she'd learnt, class on Tuesdays began by nine because the lecturer for the first lesson never came in the morning.

She began to feel sleepy again but remembered she hadn't prayed.

"Oh Lord. Thank you for today... Have mercy... You understand." And with that she fell asleep.

The noise from outside her hostel woke her. The room was bright. She glanced at her phone. It was already well after nine. She was late for class.
Usually, Obi would've called her, seeing as she was absent from class but he hadn't. She didn't call him either. If he wanted to be childish, she could also be childish.

She hurriedly bathed and got herself ready for the day. When she got to the class, there was no one there. She was confused.

"It's Tuesday, remember. We have general class now at the auditorium." Someone said to her.

When she got there, it was after ten o clock and the doors were locked. There were equally other students outside with her who were grumbling and insulting the lecturer. But it didn't change anything. She finally saw Obi sitting down but he wasn't alone. Nathi was beside him. And he was... smiling.

The lecturer suddenly said something that made her heart drop.


She couldn't afford to miss a test. She'd already missed enough. And from what she'd heard this particular lecturer never opened the doors after they were closed. She felt her eyes watering. She saw Obi tear two sheets of paper and give one to Nathi. He didn't even look around to know where she was. She left the window where she was standing. She couldn't let anyone see her cry. She had missed yet another test.

Minutes later when she was sure she wouldn't cry anymore, she went back to the class and to her surprise, no one was outside. They were all in taking their tests and the doors were locked yet again.

She went back to their class dejected and bent her head. She wouldn't cry again. That was where their next lecture would take place. It was French phonetics. Her worst course. She didn't sit where she and Obi normally sat. She went to the last seat in the back beside the window. She was alone in the class.

Soon enough, she heard noise and sure enough her course mates ran into the class and grappled for the front seats. She kept her head down and clutched her bag beside her. She only brought up her head when she head the lecturer's voice from the microphone.

She saw Obi again at their usual seat but no Nathi. The seat beside him was equally occupied. He suddenly turned and his eyes landed on her as if he could sense her looking at him. She quickly averted her eyes.

After hours that felt like forever, all the classes were over and Oma was the first to leave. She couldn't even remember much of the classes. She'd slept through most of them. She didn't feel good at all. She felt feverish. She'd definitely caught a cold last night.

Her head hurt like hell and her stomach was on fire. She wished she hadn't gone to classes that morning because honestly, she hadn't gained anything. All she just wanted to do was go home and rest.

"Jesus." She heard someone say from behind her and when she turned, she saw a group of boys snickering.
Idiots. She thought. They were probably sizing up her butt. She didn't have time for them. She walked faster.
She suddenly felt an arm on her waist but before she could react, the person draped a sweater around her waist and left. It was Obi. So he'd followed her. But just to do...this?

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