Chapter 41

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The next week dragged slowly into the next and Oma got worse and worse with each passing day. She was too afraid to leave her hostel, too nervous to even move around within her hostel. She felt like the whole world knew, that they were all watching and judging. But they weren't wrong. She deserved to be judged. She'd let herself get pregnant, again!

"You took the pills, didn't you?" Asa asked her.
She was the only one who actually knew and didn't judge.

A week and half ago, Oma had burst into their room, miserably crying and cursing herself. She'd told her everything, from having had a baby before her possibly carrying another one. Asa didn't seem surprised. She'd guessed it months ago and hadn't let Oma's flimsy excuse dissuade her. She'd even written about it in her diary.

Oma nodded without moving any other part of her body.
That was their routine.
Asa would ask if she was hungry, thirsty, tired or how she felt generally and Oma would either nod or shake her head in response.
She almost never even ate. Not only because she had no appetite but because deep down, she hoped that if there was really a baby in there, she could starve it.
It was almost two weeks and Oma still stayed in that position on her bed staring at the wall and falling in and out of sleep, only getting up to urinate or shower once in a while.

Asa answered all her calls which weren't many, giving the callers one flimsy excuse or the other for Oma's absence. Nia, Obi and Asher never called, so each excuse worked perfectly fine.
Luck seemed to be against her in every aspect but one; their exams had been postponed till two weeks. That was the only good news she received, she couldn't imagine writing her first exams with the possibility of a foetus inside of her, there was no way she would pass. She'd done that before and there was no way she was ever doing it again.

No matter what it took.

She already had enough issues academically when she was mentally fit.

"Okay, this has gone on for long enough. Can you stop being unreasonably paranoid?" Asa mused. "You took the morning after pills right after it happened. There's no fucking way you're pregnant and even if you are, Lying down all day and starving yourself won't take the baby away, if it exists."

Oma wanted to snort. What good would pills taken after the deed be, since she'd still gotten pregnant two years ago, even after all the numerous pills she'd stuffed into her system.
Apparently, nothing could kill her foetuses until after she'd grown attached to them.

Oma fidgeted with fear as she dropped the tube which had the power to mar her life a second time, too afraid to look at it. She'd still have to. It was just a matter of time.

Asa was by her side, patting her and telling her not to worry. She'd taken her in, made her get a grip over herself, purchased the morning after pills for her because she'd been too ashamed to buy them herself and later on some pregnancy strips because she just had to know and didn't trust pills. T

hey sat tensed up in their room the next day, waiting patiently, praying there would be no second line to doom Oma's life.

Oma could remember what Asa'd said about Asher after she told him he'd asked her to leave.
"Human beings will be human beings. I don't like him personally, but I'd also be taken aback by the news if I were him. Give him some time. If he comes back, you'll know he's the one but if he doesn't, be grateful for the little time you had."

Oma didn't want to lose him. He was genuine, he loved her for who she was. Perhaps he was afraid she still had the first baby, or he thought she had its father lurking around somewhere. She wasn't going to correct him. She'd take Asa's advice and wait for his own green light. But for now she had to settle the most pressing need, which was finding out whether she was pregnant or not.

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