Chapter 54

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Oma's phone began to ring, making her wake up with a headache.
"Hii. Oma, good morning. It's Amara, I don't know whether you saved my number."

"I have your number saved." Oma responded sleepily. She actually didn't have her number saved. In her drowsy state, oma wondered why Amara was calling her. She'd only exchanged numbers with her to be polite and had deleted hers immediately they'd separated. And now she was calling her. What did she want?

"I was wondering whether you'll be free today. I'll... I'll like to see you. I have something important to tell you...I mean ask you." Amara stuttered.

"Okay." Oma said, not really processing her request. All she wanted to do was lay back in this very comfortable bed and sleep until this God awful headache subsided.

"Okay... I'll be at the love garden by six this evening. I'll call you to remind you. Thank you so much."

Oma muttered an agreeing sound and quickly cut the call. She fell back on the ned and landed on a solid mass that groaned in pain when she hit it.
Slowly, she recalled all that'd happened the day before. She'd drunk with Obi and fallen asleep. No wonder she had such a terrible headache. She was so hungover.

"Good morning." She said, cuddling him.

He didn't say anything but stilled, unsure of what exactly to do.
"How do you feel this morning?" He asked finally.

"I just have a very bad headache. But I had the best night's sleep on this bed thanks to you."

"Night? This is three o clock in the afternoon. You came here in the morning, don't you remember?"

"Then why's everywhere so dark?" She asked.

"Because I brought down the blackout curtains. " He started raising the completely black curtains and the sharp light speedily entered the room, temporarily blinding her.

"Ouch. Why would you do that?" She yelled.
He laughed and opened the rest of the curtains adding to her displeasure.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked her when he got back into the bed with her.

"I would have liked to sleep but now my eyes are dead." She said sarcastically.

"Don't be dramatic."
He was sitting facing her and when she finally opened her eyes, she shuddered at how close they were. He was only wearing boxer shorts and for some reason, she felt as uncomfortable as she'd have probably been if he'd actually been naked.
But it wasn't a bad feeling altogether...

"If I'd decided to take off all my clothes and put on nothing but shorts everyone would think I was trying to seduce you." She said, giving herself a reprimanding for staring.

He smiled knowingly.
"Well you almost did."

"What does that even mean?"

"Sometime after I thought you'd slept off, you suddenly woke up and said you were so uncomfortable and started pulling off your clothes but luckily I was able to stop you. So, you're welcome. And thank you for letting me stop you from seducing you."

She began to laugh. That sounded very much like something she'd do while drunk.

"So like I asked before, what do you want to do now?"

"I don't know." She wanted to stay with him and do whatever he wanted.

"Well, Nathi called and said she wanted to talk. She told me she was coming here but I lied and told her I was outside school."

She felt like a rock had just been thrown on her head.
"So you're going to meet her. Just like that. After everything."

"After what? Well I miss her and I'm tired of fighting with her." He said getting up and going to the closet. When he opened it, she came face to face with a plethora of the most boring basic outfits he was used to wearing. What an irony for someone who was the heir to a textile factory. Wait. Textile meant clothes, didn't they?

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