Chapter 39

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"I'm not in the mood." Oma whined for the third consecutive time.

"Just a few minutes." Asher mumbled from where he was kissing her neck and trying to make her change her mind. "I haven't seen you in three days. Do you know what that has done to me?"

"Asher. I have a lot of things going on." She gripped his hands that had found their way into her shirt and shorts. Her words just didn't seem to be getting through to him.

"And we'll talk about them all when this is over, I promise. You don't know how much I've missed you."

"You say you missed me but I guess the only thing you missed is my body." She said, hoping it'd make him leave her and get defensive. It didn't.

"It's just one of the things I missed from your many many qualities." His tongue grazed her ear and she felt it down to her toes. She felt her resolve weakening. He'd done that on purpose. She didn't know if she could push him off any longer.

"Asherrr..." She called, but it came out as a moan.

"Yes?" He asked smiling. He continued his exploring, praising her body as he did. It worked. Soon enough, there was nothing but the sheets under them. They twined and ruffled and made love for more than a few minutes. After a lot of squeaking, they both came, moaning each other's names.

"How do you feel?" Asher asked, rubbing her head on his chest. She didn't answer.
"You said you have a lot of things going on. Tell me about them."

Oma realized sadly, she couldn't answer that question. Something was making her sick, eating at her but she couldn't place her hands on it. She felt a little comforted by his hands in her hair, the vibration of his heart beating and the rise and fall of his stomach. Did she really want to talk?

"I don't even know what's wrong with me."

"What do you mean?" He asked tiredly. He was drowsy, didn't know how long he could keep his eyes open. He hadn't expected her to answer.

"That's the problem. I just feel like I'm not doing something right. Like there are a lot of things I'm missing. I just don't know what to do. I think I'm just being dramatic."

"Hmm..." He muttered sleepily.

"I went home because there are a lot of things I suspected. Right now I'm just confused. I feel like my friends have left me but I suppose they have their own issues. I feel like I'm this close to finally knowing the truth, but still."


"My mum won't tell me anything. She won't even let me talk to her. Isn't she the one that should guide me in life? Comfort me and all of that. But instead she just..."

She winked at him and for the hundredth time, he tried to catch up with her. She disappeared just as she always did. She was the most beautiful girl he'd seen. Almost. With her swaying meaty hips and round breasts. He was in love. So deep. He was in love with this girl that kept complaining and disappearing. He was in love with Oma but with lighter skin and straight hair...

"...are you seriously sleeping!" Oma thundered. She was furious.

"Uhh.." So he'd been dreaming. He stared down at the girl he'd seen in his dreams but with a few adjustments and groaned.

"So I've been talking to myself since?" She sounded crestfallen. He had to fix this or she wouldn't speak to him for days. It wouldn't be the first time.

"I'm sorry. I was just really really tired. I didn't know when I fell asleep." He rushed.

"You weren't tired thirty minutes ago." She replied sarcastically and rolled her eyes. She turned to the opposite side of the bed as if his face was just too annoying to look at.

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