Chapter 42

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"Obi?" She gasped, all trace of sleep gone from her.

"Yeah..." He drawled.

"Oh. Uhm. How are you..."
She began, not sure of what to say.

"Good. How have you been?"

She'd battled personality thoughts and pregnancy fears for two weeks.
"I've been okay."

There was a long pause and she sat on the edge of the bed, pondering on what next to say.

"You haven't been to class in two weeks. Is it because of me?"

Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself.

"No. I've just been really tired. A lot of things happened." Like I almost got pregnant.

"Ok. You can come to class so we'll discuss them if you'll like." He said. "You can come with your books. Exams begin next week and if I'm being honest, I'm bothered about you in that aspect."

She breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Obi!" She yelled and his slight chuckle at the other end of the line warmed her. "Just admit you miss me."

There was another pause and she stilled, wondering if she'd overstepped.

"I do not."
He did not sound amused at all.

" I know you miss me." She managed quietly, as if trying to convince herself he really had.

Why would he miss her when he had...

"Ok. I agree. Will you come so I can finally see you? It's been almost two whole weeks if we remove the..."

"Are there many people at the class?" She interrupted. She wasn't interested in reminiscing about the past.

"Nope. Just about three other people."

"I'm on my way, babe." She added and wondered why she did. When he didn't say anything, she cut the call.
Not speaking with Asher was affecting her way more than she'd expected.

"So Asher finally called." Oma jerked when she heard the voice. Asa was lying on her side, eyeing her with a smirk.

"I told you he would call." Asa continued. "But why are you going to meet him in class? I thought you usually met him at his lodge."

"He wasn't the one on the call."

Asa looked genuinely surprised.
"Then who was on the call?"

"Obi. I'm going to meet him to read." She yawned and began going through her wardrobe of clothes. All the clothes there looked either too classy or too casual.

"Hmm. With the way you were blushing and twirling your hair, one would think you were talking with your boyfriend." Asa said, maintaining the same position.
Oma turned almost immediately.
She'd heard that exact phrase somewhere.

"That's how I talk with everyone." She said defensively.

"You also call everyone babe after a call?"

"That was a mistake." She went back to picking an outfit.

"And you always stand in front of your clothes wondering which is worthy enough to be worn to meet 'all' your friends, right?"

She opened her mouth and closed it, countless times. It wasn't like she didn't have anything to reply her. She knew Asa would just find a way to twist it back around.

"Whatever." She said and settling on a simple black gown, she gathered her books together and began to leave.

"I actually like him more, you know. Obi. He's just as handsome to me, or Maybe it's just because I don't like your boyfriend."

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