chapter 25

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The last lecturer of the day came in with a pile of papers in his hands. He was the lecturer for French essay writing. She'd grown to hate the course. Ever since she'd missed the test, she'd completely lost interest in it.
It was different however for others in the class. The lecturer was handsome. He was light skinned and very muscular, with a full beard over his face. Everyone enjoyed his class, not because he was such a good teacher, but because he was distracting. The girls liked his class because they got to ogle at him and the boys liked it as well because he'd keep complaining about them not listening and wasting time. It was all a facade anyway. He chased girls like candy when they weren't in class.

Oma wasn't in any of the categories however. All his three 'dreamy' features were things she loathed,plus he was teaching her second least favorite course.

Before long, there was a lot of noise as people scrambled to share and collect their own scripts. Oma peered and noticed the lecturer was gone. He'd only come to give them their scripts of the test she hadn't written. She picked up her bag and started to leave when she heard someone say "Oma Tobenna. You passed everybody oh"

She stared in confusion as her script was thrown in her face. She'd scored 90% in a test she hadn't written. But it had her name and registration number. Then she noticed the hand writing. It was unmistakably Obi's.

She looked up at once and saw him at the back of the class looking at her. He smiled but before she could mouth a "thank you", he was out of the class.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Oma asked Obi, jabbing him on the stomach.

"Ow! Stop." He said, laughing.

Oma had numerous questions to ask him, allegations to cast him, but at that moment the only thing that mattered was that he'd written a test for her, and passed it.

"That's not an answer." She said, finally leaving him.

He patted his stomach, where her fingers had just assaulted and straightened himself.
"If you're done tickling me without my consent, we can move back down to class and talk about it."

"I have millions of questions to ask you. You seriously have a lot of explaining to do." Oma spat immediately they sat down. "But first, thank you for writing my test for me."

"You're welcome." He said smiling and awkwardly searched for a comfortable spot to drop his arm.

Oma wanted to shout. Seriously? He was still shy around her.

"I just wish you'd told me so I wouldn't have been so depressed whenever we had the class." She crossed her arms and glared at him.

"You said you had a million questions to ask me. You haven't asked me any."

"I just asked you why you didn't tell me!" Oma yelled.

" Oh.. That was outside."

"Are you serious right now?!"

"Relax! I'm just pulling your legs." He said amidst bouts of laughter. "But I'll tell you." His laughter reduced to a lazy smile before it faded completely.. "The reason I didn't tell you is because.. Look I can't really think up a reason."

"Because you're shy to admit you did something for me." Oma said, breaking into a grin. Well she was sure about the shy part.

"Oh yeah. Something like that." He said equally grinning nervously.

"But that can't be why you've been ignoring me all this while. For about two weeks now. You made me feel like shit if you didn't know. Did I do something wrong?"

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