chapter 17

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Why were school maps even invented since they did nothing but confuse people.

It was just her first day of going to class proper, and everyone could already tell she was new.

Great. Just great.

She'd dressed nicely enough. A straight-cut gown which unfortunately accentuated her figure perfectly. If there was anything she wanted it was for people to not notice her.

She navigated her way and confused herself the more. The farther she went, the more her surroundings looked less and less like what she saw on the map. The map said she was supposed to be in a hallway but now she was on plain ground. She considered going back but decided to follow the map blindly.

Asa had escorted her out earlier on but even she didn't know the way to the French department. For someone who'd taken her around, showed her parts of the school and told her how the school worked, she should have known where the French department was. The school was that big. So here she was, venturing deeper and deeper into the land of the unknown - literally.

Oma discovered she was lost when the buildings became scarce, the sand dunes bigger and the people around her fewer. So much for not wanting to ask questions. All the people around looked weird. There were only men ; bigger men who were in no way fresh out of secondary school. They were all gathered in groups, drinking, with bloodshot eyes pointing her way. She desperately wished she'd asked the normal looking people before now. She decided to retrace her steps but by some magic, her back looked as scary as the front. It was just desert looking and more weird men had gathered behind her as well. So she sucked in a deep breath and ventured forward.

She was sure she'd walked for about a whole hour before she actually stopped to take a break. This place looked a lot different. There were more buildings as before, the road was tarred and the people here looked normal. It was almost as if the whole desert place was an imagination. She stood and tried to regain herself. One thing was for sure. She'd strayed far enough from where she was supposed to be. She furiously gazed at the map in her hand and face palmed herself. There was a turn she should have made about an hour ago. No matter what, she couldn't imagine going back to the desert of the creeps and she had no money to spend on transport. This was just bad luck.

She saw an empty pavement and went there to sit. It was clean and the small bungalow it was attached to was nice. She imagined what it'd be like to live here instead instead of that hell house of a dorm.

"If we don't leave now, then there's no need to go to class at all." She heard a masculine voice say.

"Ugh. Just give me like five, no, ten minutes. Let me just finish my makeup. Stop rushing somebody, hamani." This one belonged to a female.

Their accents sounded foreign. They both sounded African but like people in the 'saraphina' movie.

They were bound to come out sooner or later, she deduced but Oma was too tired to move from her spot. Let them see her, she thought. Maybe they could even help?

"Why are you always..." The boy started but paused when he saw her. Oma also paused. Breathing. He resembled an angel. He was of medium height, slightly muscular and his face was fresh and perfectly sculpted. The girl was pretty as well, with long hair that flowed past her shoulders that Oma was sure was a wig but her scowl almost spoiled her face.

"What are you like doing here?" The girl asked. She looked ready to pound somebody. Oma was tongue tied. She couldn't even think of a sentence to construct.

"Didn't you hear me?" She asked again, coming closer to Oma. She regained her power of speech immediately and jumped down from the makeshift pavement she'd been sitting on. Something about that girl was scary.

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